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Systems defending/capturing

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11 years ago
Sep 23, 2013, 5:01:26 AM

Im a longtime fan of civ series, so naturaly Endless Space is attractive game for me and so far im having great fun with it. I have started today. Havent yet seen any info about system defences, so i have a few questions:

1. how does capturing systems work?

2. is system kind of a "unit" on map which is capable of defending itself and have some hitpoints or do i need to intercept invaders with fleets?

3. having ships in hangars of attacked system do something?

4. having fleet attached ("docked") in system helps defending?


Ships attached to system repair themselves or they need to be moved to hangar to repair?

Thanks in advance.
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11 years ago
Sep 23, 2013, 7:14:37 AM
In no particular order...

"Ship repair themselves a certain percentage each turn they are in a friendly system, Hero Abilities and Battle Actions can also be used to repair. Installed ship repair modules do repairs both in combat and on the Galaxy Map. Specific tech can increase ship repair rate." - Originally posted elsewhere.

You can capture systems slowly by arming ships with bombardment weapons you can research in the 'north' tech section, or fit them - assuming you own the expansion - with troop modules for instant invasions.

Putting ships in a hangar will protect them from roaming hostile fleets, but they will not do anything either offensively or defensively.

A system's defence is handled abstractly.
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11 years ago
Sep 23, 2013, 9:26:20 AM
Depends: Do you Play the normal Version or Disharmony?


In classic, every ship has an "Invasion" value, so if a ship has guns it can invade a System. To take a System you park a fleet (or twenty^^, Invasion value summed up from all your orbiting fleets) on the hostile System and click the "invade" button. A Little number Pops up and tells you how Long it will take to take the System, more ships, less turns; more sytem defences more turns. Generally the game compared the Systems defence value with the navies Invasion Value, afaik the defence value gets a malus for every turn under siege, so the time decreaces smiley: wink

If you break off a siege and shortly after return, this malus will still be there and you don't have to start from scratch, but over time the defences "restore" thus the longer a break you take the longer the enuring siege will take smiley: wink

As most ships have a very low Invasion value, It is a good idea to design some "siege ships" outfitted with Invasion modules instead of normal weapons, These won't help you against enemy ships(no damage dealt) but they significantly boost your Invasio strength ans shorten your siege times.

In Disharmony Ships don't normally have an Invasion value, Invasion/bombardment modules, or Strikecrafts are absolutely necessary to siege a System. Fleets without these modules can hover and stack all they want even a Million ships(not an Option) would not be able to reduce the turn number by one.

In Disharmony "Invasion strengh" also shown in the fleet stats. So you know which fleets can actually harm your Systems smiley: wink

In Disharmony you also have two other Options when invading: land troops and bomb the shit out of them.


(both Versions)

As already mentioned ships in Hangars do not defend your System. If you Station fleets in Orbit of your Systems and let them "guard" it, any hostile fleet that enters has to first destroy all your fleets before it can initiate an Invasion. If your fleet arrives AFTER the hostile one this does not stop the Invasion and you'll have to kill or expell all hostile fleets before their Invasion timer ticks down. Ships in Orbit do not modify your Systems defence value(there is a System improvement tho that lets them help with restoring defences) when they shoot down enemy ships this will reduce their Invasion strengh tho.
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