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Bombers and invasion.

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11 years ago
Sep 24, 2013, 7:53:01 AM

I have just researched bombers special modules to my ships. Equipped and built new cruisers with bombers in "invasion" mode, besieged a system and there is no option to use the bombers as invasion ability. Are they just flat passive siege streght bonus?

How about using them in battles? Please explain me what are the uses of bombers.


ok i see you need troops first to start invasion. So a question about troops (and bombers and fighters), if you loose during invasion or during battle some of them, how to refill?
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11 years ago
Sep 24, 2013, 11:06:14 AM
Hello and welcome to ES,

Bombers give a flat bonus to invasion strengh, they cannot invade "on their own". They are however needed to "deliver" bombs and help when your troops are taking a system.

To fight other Space ships you need the Combat sort of bomber(or balanced) they will fly towards the enemy drop their payload(bypassing all normal defences) unless offcource they get shot down by fighters or Point defence modules smiley: wink

Troops and strikecraft refill with the same mechanic your ships are repaired, just station your fleet on one of your systems, preferably with a ship with a reppair module or two, maybe even a hero with a boost to that and they will be refilled in a few turns.
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