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Oh the tutorial is so wrong!

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11 years ago
Sep 23, 2013, 5:17:53 AM
Guys, now when im after the tutorial long mess im enjoying the game, but when i was going trough it i thought of just quitting without even giving the game any chance. Why? Here are my impressions with the first experience the game provides:

1. Tutorial with so much text in it, turns into manual that could aswell be put in pdf file and be as much helpfull and interesting (most people throw manuals away due to obviousness pouring from them). It makes my eyes bleed (reading SMALL font on screen is tiresome for eyes), and makes me sleepy so wich each new text walls im having harder and harder time focusing on what are they talking about and more and more tempted to close my eyes or the tutorial.

2. There is so much obvious obviousness in it that reading trough all these obvious obviousnesses make it torment while you just dont want to miss something THAT MATTERS. Really guys, people who likes "4X" games can figure some stuff by themselves when it comes to interface, only the mechanics matters and can be overlooked by people new to the game, and only these should be shown in the tutorials. All the interface tips like "here you can blablabla*describing stuff everyone see on the screen which dont have to be described*" could be removed from tutorial and just put as simple tooltips next to some elements on interface triggered by mouseovering little smiley: confused icon.

3. I understund that making audio or interactive walk-troughs requires more money and effort, but simply putting vast amounts of boring obvoisnesses in small font mixed with several important stuff is horrible idea!

4. Tutorial popping up its screen with its tips you cant know if will be boring obviousnesses or somethign important and interesting right after first battle starts is just awefull! I could choose risk loosing some info about important mechanic i dont know by skiping the tutorial or read trough boring and obviouss stuff like tooltips of the interface keys on screen knowing that there could be important info waiting for me to read trough while my ships in my first battle being shot at and i cant do anything.

It needs huge revamp!! Or at least make 2nd version for people who want to read tutorial only about the non-obviouss stuff - stuff they cant figure out by themselves whlie watching the interface. It takes less time and effort and eyes pain to play around with interface icons to see what they do, than to read trough manual about them. However some mechanics are hard to learn without someone telling you how stuff works, and this is room for tutorials.

Game looks promising so far, but the tutorial was terrible experience, and if not for my friend telling me the game is awesome i would label it as "i will try it other time" and all becouse of silly tutorial, yes. Cause it was pain!
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 3:27:08 PM
One thing to sum up pretty much what you are asking: the manual is available as a PDF file (it's on Steam) but in game, there is also a link to the wiki (press escape when you are playing, archives and you should be redirected to the community wiki).

Please also note that you can disable the tutorial once and for all and simply refer to the pdf version. We agree that an interactive tutorial might have been more appealing, but this also represents a huge part in a budget. Hopefully, our next games will have more user friendly tutorials!
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 6:22:00 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
One thing to sum up pretty much what you are asking: the manual is available as a PDF file (it's on Steam) but in game, there is also a link to the wiki (press escape when you are playing, archives and you should be redirected to the community wiki).

Honestly, I wish this game had some Quality "archives" like SWTOR has and stuff. Or even just basically a wiki that was in the game and 100% accurate. Honestly with the Wikia system there is so much confusion on how the game works that I find myself having to reference the appropriate Xmls just to put the issue to rest.

Heck, if smiley: amplitude was willing to code it into the game, I would right the whole dam thing up myself. Anything to have a nice, in-game, not wikia, not manual, but reference handbook.
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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 2:21:14 PM
There is also a learning curve for Amplitude here too as things change with the game that items need to kept up to date like the manual.

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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 4:18:37 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
One thing to sum up pretty much what you are asking: the manual is available as a PDF file

No, you get me wrong i guess. I said that the current tutorial overflows with stuff people can easily figure out themselves and there is temptation to just close it but also a realisatoin that hidden within tones of useless lecture there might be something important people CANT figure out themselves so new player like i was have to go trough all that uninteresting lecture in small font. Better way would be just to add the interface tooltips and stuff on divided little tooltip icons next to particular elements with a question mark little icon, and let the tutorial just talk about important, mechanics related stuff.
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11 years ago
Sep 27, 2013, 3:08:53 PM
Falrinth wrote:
No, you get me wrong i guess. I said that the current tutorial overflows with stuff people can easily figure out themselves and there is temptation to just close it but also a realisatoin that hidden within tones of useless lecture there might be something important people CANT figure out themselves so new player like i was have to go trough all that uninteresting lecture in small font. Better way would be just to add the interface tooltips and stuff on divided little tooltip icons next to particular elements with a question mark little icon, and let the tutorial just talk about important, mechanics related stuff.

What is obvious to some can be quite arcane for others; there is no way to tell how much is too much or too little. Some players can figure it out easily, and others will need other players to explain it in details because it's outside their grasp. There is a good reason why some players find the game extremely easy while some others get beaten by an easy AI. Now, for the small fonts, the fonts don't adjust to your screen resolution (bitmaps if i remember right); use a smaller resolution so everything gets bigger on screen.
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