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Your fleet has failed to escape and has been destroyed

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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 7:31:34 AM
Why is it happening? I have had pretty strong fleet, but i was at the undermanned side so i have chosen to do offensive retreat, it succeded and then at the galaxy map i see info that my fleet failed to escape and been destroyed... and enemy got no dmg from it whatsoever. What the heck? If i would be fighting i would loose but they would get severe damage to their fleet, and while i do tactical retreat im loosing whole fleet and they loose nothing? So when exactly fleets fail to escape? I dont get it :/
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 7:36:26 AM
it doesnt make sense whatsoever... i have loaded autosave, played the battle and won. :/ So how my ships got obliterated while retreating, if they were able to survive full battle after load saved game?
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 10:46:36 AM
You probably were deep in enemy terriory, If a fleet has "nowhere to run" it gets obliterated, no matter the odds. For some reason this does not appy to Scouts, I don't know where the line is drawn.
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 12:44:10 PM
Thanks. Would be nice if that would be added to some warning confirmation dialog or something. Or even better: escape cards inactive if that would mean obliteration for free.
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 3:30:47 PM
Ca_Putt wrote:
You probably were deep in enemy terriory, If a fleet has "nowhere to run" it gets obliterated, no matter the odds. For some reason this does not appy to Scouts, I don't know where the line is drawn.

Thanks for this (and to DarkMeph). The rule is logical, and I don't have a problem with it except I didn't know it existed!
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 4:47:02 PM
Ca_Putt wrote:
You probably were deep in enemy terriory, If a fleet has "nowhere to run" it gets obliterated, no matter the odds. For some reason this does not appy to Scouts, I don't know where the line is drawn.

Actually, a fleet can retreat to an enemy system, but only if the system has not already been explored by the fleet's owner.
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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 12:56:00 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Just be warned that in the late-game escape from retreat is possible via non-string drive.

This contradicts what Pikou said in other thread (link is above in DarkMeph's thread). So which is right?
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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 7:57:04 AM
I've asked again about this and confirm the rule: free move is not taken into account when retreat occurs, only wormholes.
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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 9:31:03 AM
Pikou wrote:
I've asked again about this and confirm the rule: free move is not taken into account when retreat occurs, only wormholes.

Thanks for the confirmation! smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 1:26:47 PM
Pikou wrote:
I've asked again about this and confirm the rule: free move is not taken into account when retreat occurs, only wormholes.

Then Damn my buggy copy of ES because next time I'll record it when it happens: AI free moves and retreats.

And all this time I thought this was a really annoying feature...
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11 years ago
Sep 26, 2013, 2:15:43 PM
When it first happened I thought I was going crazy as I kept losing track of enemy fleets in my space. I was literately head butt my screen.

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