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So - Just played my first game - need some help please!!

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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 7:23:34 PM
Kang88 wrote:
Only ever played Disharmony - I've been watching the game for a while, and decided to join at the release of Disharmony.

Same here. I only bought it recently (about a week ago) on steam. I had been wanting to get it for a long time but I'm a cheap bastard and got it on sale.
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11 years ago
Oct 1, 2013, 1:00:07 AM
To be honest, a balanced approach can sometimes be best, depending on which canon or custom race you are playing. If you want to go the diplomacy route, create a fair number of scouts (being careful not to build too many and cripple your Dust generation) and send them exploring to find the other races. Remember, it takes a considerable amount of time at cold war status for someone to warm up to you enough to entertain any kind of peace treaty. Also, if you are having trouble getting an Empire to accept a peace treaty, try bribing them if you have the Dust for it. In this game, as in many others, money (or in this case, Dust) makes the world go round. If you are going the science route, play the Sophon and try to reach a happy medium between Dust and Science production in the slider. Too much of one and too little of the other can cripple you if you aren't careful. Further, though the Sophons aren't necessarily militaristic, some other races can be (even the normally peaceful ones) depending on difficulty setting, so researching Military techs as well as the other branches is a good idea. Finally, be sure to utilize any Heroes you may have at maximum efficiency by putting them at the planetary systems that can use them most, and try not to put them in systems where their upkeep costs will put Dust production in the negative. Hopefully these tips will be of use to you. God bless.
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 6:28:52 PM
It depends. If you can get 1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation: per turn by getting sustainable farms (or whatever that first smiley: food tech is), then hands down go for smiley: industry exploitation on the homeworld otherwise you waste resources since systems are capped at a growth rate of 1 smiley: stickouttongueopulation: per turn.
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 11:43:09 AM
The only time you don't go for food exploit is when you're the Harmony or the Sowers. I've found that you get more food by going for industry with the Harmony and using the ind > food
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 11:18:02 AM
I agree with others, exploit food first. Trying to think of some essential tips... I would put off building any (or more than 1) defensive ships or researching any technologies in the weapons branch for a while* (not sure the turn #, its something you just have to feel out based on how aggressive & close your opponents/pirates are). Another basic tip is to expand as quickly as possible at first, to a certain point; if you just keep expanding, it will kill your economy. Again something you have to feel out being a beginner.

Edit: Another tip - once you find your playing style, try customizing a race so you actually utilize all your race bonuses.
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11 years ago
Sep 25, 2013, 7:10:24 AM
Its good to first grow population and only then switch to other exploitation i think. After getting hold on plenty of systems i have set "balanced" AI governors and just focused on my (Emperor's) job insetad of being bothered with every planet and moon in all my empire. And what made me happy is the fact that these AI governors are really well made, and they do tend to switch exploitations and stuff by themselves.
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11 years ago
Sep 24, 2013, 10:39:30 AM
I read that last Saturday, after having played aroudn 15 hours of Endless Space.

This was a game changer and I may perhaps soon my first game after around 20 hours tinkering with that very complex - but addictive and fantastic - game.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2013, 3:11:44 PM
I learnt from watching the AI. set all your planets to food. once all your planets are at max pop, switch to thier respective exploit (unless you wish to make that particular system a industry, science or dust generator) and terraform to the appropriate generator (whilst keeping your approval at ecstatic)

As you research the +pop improvements, switch them back to food temporarily to compensate for the new +pop improvement
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2013, 2:58:09 PM
About the exploitation question:

At the first exploit food on the planet, especially when you're starting to build the system. When the system is bigger and better developed you should already have a lot of food then you change the exploit to better fit your needs.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 1:51:42 PM
Quite a fun game, considering I was beaten.

Tried playing United Empire - expanded quickly, but failed to realise that you don't need a colony ship to colonise other planets in the same system you already own - that cost me bad.

Met the Cravers who immediately took a 'dislike' to me and proceeded to 'smash my empire into the all new dust.'

I put up a brave fight with two scouts vs. a (what looked like) destroyer fleet of seven ships.

Met the pilgrims who liked me (yeah) and disliked me in the same turn (boo). Not that it mattered because by then I'd been eaten by the Cravers.


I did play the tutorial, but I was not sure about one fact - should you exploit a planet on its strengths or something else at the start - for example, if a planet has high industry should I exploit that, or food.

Also - should you refit your ships at the start - or are the defaults ok?

Thanks for your time people.
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 11:05:29 AM
Thanks for the input guys, it's a great help.

To answer the other questions..

@ Darkki & Evilnox - I found out about not needing a colony ship from the original ES manual on steam - it makes one hell of a difference to the game, Sharidann explains how to do this on post five of this thread.

@ Ali - Only ever played Disharmony - I've been watching the game for a while, and decided to join at the release of Disharmony.
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 9:16:17 AM
I picked up this game during the summer sale and I pretty much learned how to play by watching some Youtube vids. I was just able to win a game on Impossible so I'd say this is a pretty good way to learn smiley: stickouttongue

First Vid:

Early Game Tutorial - This is in Classic but it really helped me get the basics.

Second Vid:

Some Disharmony Gameplay - This vid isn't so much a tutorial but it helped me figure out how some of the bigger things have changed from Classic to Disharmony. I didn't watch all the videos in the playlist, just the first one.

Hope this helps!
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 7:29:02 AM
Evilnox wrote:
WHAT!?? I don't need to build a GD colony ship for every planet I want to colonize? I'm not being sarcastic by any means, you really don't? How do you do it then? Teach me your magic.

I want to know about this too.
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 7:23:27 AM
Endless Voodoo smiley: biggrin

First you colonize one planet in a system, as soon as said planet has 2 population, you can colonize another planet in the system, provided it is colonizable, by clicking on the planet itself in the system menu. It has a cost in turns and moves one population unit from the first planet to the second.

You only need a colony ship to colonize a new system.

Evilnox wrote:
WHAT!?? I don't need to build a GD colony ship for every planet I want to colonize? I'm not being sarcastic by any means, you really don't? How do you do it then? Teach me your magic.
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 5:05:18 AM
Kang88 wrote:

Tried playing United Empire - expanded quickly, but failed to realize that you don't need a colony ship to colonize other planets in the same system you already own - that cost me bad.

WHAT!?? I don't need to build a GD colony ship for every planet I want to colonize? I'm not being sarcastic by any means, you really don't? How do you do it then? Teach me your magic.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 2:30:46 PM
The defaults Defenders are terrible. I told the Devs for ages to change the defaults to something that at least uses all the capacity of the ships.

May I ask if you played Vanilla or Disharmony?
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 2:00:22 PM
Exploit food for the most part with most factions. Faster system growth is better than other exploitations in most cases.

And upgrade fleet designs whenever you can, yes even at the beginning of the game. I recommended researching basic weapons and defenses in the warfare tree relatively close to getting casimir effect.
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