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Why can't I bomb?

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11 years ago
Sep 2, 2013, 1:30:36 AM
I have been playing a game on a large map as Pilgrims. I am at war with the Automatons.

I started to invade one of their star systems and tried to use anti-personal bombs only to get the message that I don't have enough invasion power. OK, so I get more siege fleets and still get the message when I try to bomb.

Is it actual siege power that allows you to bomb a system or is it the number of bomber fleets you have? And if it depends on the number of bombers, where do I see the display for how much I would need?
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11 years ago
Sep 2, 2013, 1:51:00 AM
IIRC you can't just have the Support Module AP bombs equipped, you need bombers/fighters in the fleet too to 'deliver' them. And you need enough of them to overcome the system's Anti-Aircraft Defense value.
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11 years ago
Sep 2, 2013, 6:39:23 AM
That's kinda what I'm asking. How do I know the anti-aircraft strength of the system?

I also took that same fleet, which had at least 4 bombers to a smaller system with a single planet and got the same message. Could it be that level 1 bombers and fighters are generally easily countered in ground assaults?

Can't recall seeing this issue in my last game, but I also think that I never tried bombs until I had level 2 bombers and fighters.
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11 years ago
Sep 9, 2013, 6:25:06 AM
I did the very same mistake when I first started out using the momb setting. IMO the tool tip should be updated to mention you "require" bombers in order to use this feature.
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11 years ago
Sep 9, 2013, 9:58:49 AM

Thanks for bringing this topic up. I was sure it was mentionned somewhere in the tooltips that you require at least one bomber or fighter in order to launch some bombs.

Seems I was mistaken. Will look into this in order to provide the requested info!
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11 years ago
Oct 7, 2013, 2:22:47 PM
Disharmony v1.1.17

I also am having trouble bombing.

  • Previously, successfully bombed a system (Amoeba) having 6 planets/asteroid fields and approximately 26 population; with less Invasion power than I now have.
  • Moved to next system having 3 planets and approximately 21 population, also Amoeba. Can't bomb.
  • Upgraded Invasion fleet.

    • 6 tier 3 Invasion Bombers, each with:

      • 600 Land Invasion Strength
      • 200 Invasion MP
    • Invasion Power: 80308
  • System Defense: 7504
  • 3 more bombers added
  • Increased Invasion Power: 89186
  • [/list]

    A completed invasion will reveal:

  • 21 Population
  • Stealth Construction

    • +25 Defense/pop
  • Damage Control Center

    • +3 Defense Shelter
    • +2 Control Recovery
  • Cloudrippers

    • +1 Collateral Damage Against Aircraft
    • +150 AA Defense/Pop
  • Impervious Bunkers

    • +250 Defense
    • +25 Defense/pop
  • Community Defense

    • +40 Defense/pop
    • +5 Control Recovery

  • [/list]
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    11 years ago
    Oct 7, 2013, 3:20:31 PM
    Don't you need a replenished bomb module to bomb? I think the repair module determines the refill speed. So maybe your bomb supply simply wasn't replenished, yet?
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    11 years ago
    Oct 7, 2013, 3:55:54 PM
    Tier 3 Repair module is installed. It has +0.1 Module Regeneration (in friendly area). While it is indeed possible that these were not replenished before proceeding to the next planet, multiple bomb runs occurred in the previous invasion. This is confusing.

  • During an invasion I can bomb an unlimited number of times... (once/turn).
  • Upon completion of the above invasion, I must wait n-turns to replenish my bomb(s)?!
  • It is impossible to determine the status of the "Bomb Module". Does it need to be replenished? How many turns remain?
  • New invasion ships added to existing fleets and new invasion fleets added to an attack group that have never bombed and have a greater number of bombers "can't bomb".
  • [/list]

    No fleet waiting/Regeneration/down time. Moved on to next system having 4 planets/asteroid fields and approximately 24 population:

    • 9 Tier 3 Bombers
    • Invasion Power: 89186
    • System Defense: 8333

    Total of 20 new invasion ships each with invasion bombers added to attack group:

    • New Invasion Power: 137,682
    • New System Defense: 9442

    Can't bomb.

    Amoeba system defenses added during invasion, in addition to the aforementioned:

  • Dark Energy Rifle

    • +60 Defense/pop
    • +5 Control Recovery
  • S2S Countermeasures

    • +2 Collateral Damage Against Aircraft
    • +250 AA Defense/Pop

  • [/list]
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    11 years ago
    Oct 7, 2013, 8:09:26 PM
    RasterOps wrote:

  • During an invasion I can bomb an unlimited number of times... (once/turn).
  • Upon completion of the above invasion, I must wait n-turns to replenish my bomb(s)?!
  • It is impossible to determine the status of the "Bomb Module". Does it need to be replenished? How many turns remain?

  • [/list]

    You can't run out of bombs. System bombardment action is available every turn, if your invasion ships are equipped with fighters/bombers and bomb modules AND invasion MP of invading fleets somehow outweighs AA defense of the system under siege (or, probably, only invasion MP of strikecraft is taken into account, I don't know).

    I've encountered a bug, it looks like if one started to invade a system with a badly designed invasion fleet (ships have bombs, but no f/b) it doesn't matter how many properly designed invasion fleets with f/b onboard he will add to the attack group later, - system bombardment action will not be available until he moves the fleet without f/b to another system. I'll try to reproduce the bug playing with "Help The Harmony" mod.
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    11 years ago
    Oct 14, 2013, 4:11:48 PM
    In addition to my previous post here:

    Turn 19 My fleets started to invade Horolium.

    Fleet Eta consists of 8 defenders.

    Beta consists of 6 invasion ships (6 invasion modules and 1 cluster munitions installed on each ship).

    Horolium's system defense: 250

    Turn 20

    5 more fleets were added to the invasion group. Each of those fleets consist of 6 invasion ships (4 invasion modules, 1 cluster munitions, 1 fighter and 1 bomber).

    System bombardment option is not available.

    Horolium's system defense: 400

    Turn 21

    Beta was moved to Wasat.

    System bombardment option is available.

    Horolium's system defense: 400

    Turn 22

    Beta was moved back to Horolium.

    System bombardment option is available.

    Horolium's system defense: 400

    Here is a save (Disharmony + Help the Harmony mod)
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