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if anyone out there is alive please help me find a mod to reduce AI cheating

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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 9:16:44 PM
The thing is I just don't know what's going on with ES.

When they did VIP-Betas before there either would be several builds in relatively short periods or the real-patch or open-beta came right after.

But now we are in a situation where there was a vip-beta-patch over a month ago and then .... nothing.

I don't even know if they are still working on it and when not whey they haven't released what they have done so far. I mean there's always room for further improvement but the new feature alone would be worth a patch in my opinion.
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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 4:13:27 PM
DarkMeph wrote:
Ok thank you Adder. Could they be putting it a newer version if that gives them some features they cannot do with an earlier version?

I do not know what version they use on EL and DotE. However they have stated that "upgrading" the engine of ES to a version where linux support exists is not high on their priority list. So I think they will not change the engine for ES.
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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 4:05:18 PM
Ok thank you Adder. Could they be putting it a newer version if that gives them some features they cannot do with an earlier version?

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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 8:09:39 AM
A Mod like this, by it's nature, can only contain balance-changes, content-additions and certain kinds of bugfixes but not new features for the interface.

Since I don't think I'll be slapped for saying what it is, I'm gonna tell now:

It's waypoints. The VIP-Patch from a month ago already contained a convinient way for setting up waypoints that move newly built ships to a target-destination. This saves you from a lot of annoying and repetative micromanagement of manually launching and moving all those ships.

And I'd like to know what's holding them back from releasing that since none of the issues I had with the patch were about the waypoints. They worked perfectly fine for me.
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 9:24:59 PM
^^ Meedoc mentioned that he put all the changes from that VIP patch into the Help the Harmony Mod during a Multi-Player game we played, so I think that's where it went... But if not, it would really be nice to know more about this "new feature" lol 'cause I didn't see anything that qualifies as a new feature during that game.
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11 years ago
Oct 13, 2013, 11:58:04 PM
ive had this game since it came out and its great but i have never ever ever won a game. ive come close on easy settings but then i get triple war deced and the lovely mechanic that dosnt let you move or upgrade fleets if even a single enemy ship is in your orbit always ♥♥♥♥s me. im not here to start an argument over whether or not the AI cheats because in my opinion it does. I want to find a mod that reduces or removes all free techs, production boosts ect ect from the game on normal difficulty and lower. does one exist? cause id really like to love playing this game.
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 8:48:34 PM
1) Yes diplo bug is apparently fixed.

2) the majority of the time they do give the general community access to a steam beta patch
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 7:35:23 PM
Ok, so to be clear, is the diplo bug actually fixed in the latest official patch? I have been holding off starting a new game for the last month or so waiting for that fix (amongst others). At this point, I'll settle for that to be fixed. smiley: wink

I honestly think they should start a Steam Beta patch to allow people to play the 'latest and greatest' and give bug reporting and feedback. And it never hurts public relations to give people access to 'exclusive' things like that. smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 4:03:10 PM
You are right to not have seen it in the patch-notes since it wasn't in there.

I found they fixed it by comparing the files. And I did so because Meedoc told me in advance he would adapt this change from my mod.

I think they don't always mention fixes that are made within the XMLs.
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 2:30:49 PM
^^ I saw no change in 1.1.17 regarding AIs ganging up... so I still use your mod because I think it still helps.

And yeah, I realize in doesn't help with AI cheating, but I just recommend it for at least a minimally improved AI.
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 2:20:24 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:

I play with this mod:


Its by Ail, one of the VIPs, and it improves the AI greatly in my opinion. It also seems to help with the AIs ganging up on you without warning. It also improves on a bunch of other things, all of which are good modifications in my opinion. Hope this helps.

But I believe Ail's mod is for both vanilla and DH

The Mods primary purpose is to make Governors more useable by preventing them from making buildings you most likely won't want. This might also help the AIs who use the Governors too.

It also fixed a diplomacy-bug that made the AI declare too many wars. But this bug should

a) have been fixed with 1.1.17

b) have very little effect on Vanilla since Vanilla has no AMAS and therefore the AIs are relatively tame anyways.

I don't think it'll work with Vanilla. But it might be possible to use some of the modifications with vanilla by making a new mod out of it.

However, it doesn't reduce AI-cheating.

The easiest way to reduce AI-cheating is lowering the difficulty. However, going below "Normal" gives the AI significant disadvantages in combat while they still get boni for their approval.

So we kinda have an asymetric balance there, which I'd have tried to prevent as developer.

It shouldn't be too hard to make a mod that makes at least one of the difficulty-levels completely fair.
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11 years ago
Oct 14, 2013, 12:04:40 AM
Many experienced players choose to play on 'Newbie' simply because the AI cheating on higher levels is so annoying

I play with this mod:


Its by Ail, one of the VIPs, and it improves the AI greatly in my opinion. It also seems to help with the AIs ganging up on you without warning. It also improves on a bunch of other things, all of which are good modifications in my opinion. Hope this helps.

Also you may try replacing the original AI xmls with those from Super Nova mod. Also, assuming from you post on that thread that you do not have Disharmony, the AI does improve in Disharmony. But I believe Ail's mod is for both vanilla and DH
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