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Thie game is pretty awsome!

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11 years ago
Oct 21, 2013, 7:25:28 AM

I bought this gold edition of the game after I watched the WTF of total biscuit on steam sales and I must say I am pretty impressed by this game!

I am a huge fan of the battlesystem, making each battle feel important but doesnt take too long to complete as in Sword of the stars.

I am just curious if there is any plan to make more expansion for this or even better a sequel?

Would be so awsome if you would be able to add voices of the races (similar to Sins of a Solar Empire).

A similar battlesystem and animations as your ship battles when you attack a planet with troops.

Making the turrets on the ship move smiley: smile

And I would really like to have a logg to read all turn summarys, if I havent missed that there already is one?

More diverse and unique weapons, not just as you have it now with weapon x is plain better than weapon y.

Make the conversation with the aliens use more of an animation, similar to guild wars 2 when you have a beautiful painting and then animate it lightly. So sad that I just contact them and I get a small picture of the alien, really dont get a feel that I am speaking with an alien race.

Sorry for rambling so much, I just think you made a great game that for me, could be a worthy successor of master of orion 2 smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Oct 21, 2013, 7:25:47 PM
I really hope they also include merging of fleets greater than the fleet-cap so it makes several small fleets.
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