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Diplomatic Victory UE

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11 years ago
Oct 18, 2013, 1:20:41 PM
Hi guys,

Started playing this game some weeks ago and its really an amazing game.

Actually kinda hard in the beginning.

I am coming from the time of Ascendancy, Masters of Orion, Max, etc so I really enjoyed turn based strategy.

Its been some time for me to get started with playing new games in general, but his one is great!

I read some post about diplomatic victories and if its even possible.

Today I finished with a diplomatic victory with the UE.

Just to show its possible.


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11 years ago
Nov 1, 2013, 6:01:39 PM
Basically, don't go to war. If you get a war declaration, show them who's boss. Don't invade to much. (I had some strong fleets at the borders.)

After some time I got in an alliance with the surviving AI's (Harmony got annihilated) and I took most of the diplomatic deals/proposals for raw materials etc. (unless the offer was like "you give" and get nothing..) A third of my empire was set on auto/AI for diplomacy. It was a close call though, the AI's were at 97% diplomatic victory when I reached 100%
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11 years ago
Nov 2, 2013, 2:16:22 PM
I reached a diplomatic victory after I killed off the cravers and harmony and took over 3/4 of the galaxy, all the other factions offered an alliance at that point. lol
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11 years ago
Nov 6, 2013, 1:59:28 AM
Just keep in mind that if you do go to war (as he said it is optimal to not), then either not invade the attacker at all, or completely annihilate them. The first option is best, since can potentially have one more faction to get diplo points with, but having one less competitor is a close second smiley: twisted
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11 years ago
Nov 6, 2013, 7:41:45 PM
In my last go round I found just the opposite worked. smiley: wink (endless, disk, normal size start).

I did not ally with anyone because my friends were all attacking each other. My friends had taken my enemies down to a single star and then locked them into perpetual siege. Rather than taking on the runaway in a final winner take all affair, I toyed with 'peacing out'. It did fail, but converting those lifelong enemies locked in perpetual siege by my friends to friends with extremely lavish offers jumped me from 30% to 70% diplo in the time it took for the cease fires to expire.

I do agree that the diplo I did win (by accident) is as you stated... swallow enemies whole, trade/ally everyone else... Kumbaya.
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