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Quick question about the current state of the AI

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11 years ago
Nov 10, 2013, 12:55:09 AM
I've got pizza coming soon, so I'll make this quick. How does the current Disharmony AI perform? Do they design ships at all well? And, also, do they actually use bombing, troops, siege tactics, and all that new stuff. Do they actually use the fighters and bombers that were added in the expansion?
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11 years ago
Nov 10, 2013, 2:10:43 AM
Well, that's great....I guess. I might join ES multiplayer if THIS wasn't the most likely outcome

Also, I like to take my time and multi-task alot during these 4x turn-based games, so I'm always going to be fighting the AI.

Again, I revisit my question. Does the AI use fighters and bombers? Simple yes or no would do me.
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11 years ago
Nov 10, 2013, 8:24:14 AM
It's hard to remember the state of 1.1.17 when as VIPs you get to play 1.1.25 smiley: ohh

But I'm pretty sure that at least some of the AI-Races have designs that use Fighters/Bombers. Especially on Ship-Types that have weight-bonusses for those.

Here's one thing that I'm aware about the AI which was fixed in one of the VIP-Betas:

There was an issue where after retreating, the AI would always resend whatever they just retreated without reevaluation if this actually makes sense.

This would often lead to a situation where they would send undefended Invasion-Ships back to where they just retreated from. As far as I know this issue was adressed and makes the AI look much less dumb.

This fix should be part of the patch that was announced for November 14th.
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11 years ago
Nov 11, 2013, 12:39:05 AM
Ail wrote:
It's hard to remember the state of 1.1.17 when as VIPs you get to play 1.1.25 smiley: ohh

have fun weeding out the bugs so we dont have to smiley: ohh lol
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11 years ago
Nov 11, 2013, 10:46:21 PM
The definition of AI is always subjective. No, the AI's are not human. But on Endless, they seem to be doing a great job of making me come in Second, usually by teaming with me to smash the top dog, and then exploit all their production bonuses to outrace me in the last 10-20 turns.

That is frustratingly smart for my tastes.

Interestingly, the fix that Ail mentioned might help gameplay, but might not be smart for the AI. Forcing me to leave my undersized fleets to fight off these perpetual attacks by 'partisan' fleets is actually very challenging.
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11 years ago
Nov 12, 2013, 5:38:49 AM
Don't misunderstand that as "they won't come back and attack again". It just means they will reevaluate if and where to attack. In the long run not losing so many invasion-ships shall help them to build more regular ships and thus be stronger overall.
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11 years ago
Nov 12, 2013, 5:10:40 PM
Ail wrote:
Don't misunderstand that as "they won't come back and attack again". It just means they will reevaluate if and where to attack. In the long run not losing so many invasion-ships shall help them to build more regular ships and thus be stronger overall.

No misunderstanding. And what I was describing differs depending on difficulty. But when the AI has significant production advantages, sacrificing siege ships to keep me pinned down swatting the gnats. The seemingly random mixing of fighting fleets means I cannot swat the gnats with skeleton fleets because I cannot replace my on e fighting ship as fast as they can replace their 10 siege ships.
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