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Best default Faction for Colonize/Terraform?

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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 4:27:38 PM
Hey guys, I was wondering what faction is best for colonizing as many systems and planets as possible as quickly as possible and then terraforming(transform planets) them?

I know terraforming doesn't really do all that much, I just really like the idea of it, wish there was a win condition for terraforming a certain percentage of the galaxy.

Just played a game through with the Sheredyn and dominated, once they get going they are great for expanding quickly, their cheap invasion troops take over all the planets, cheaper buyout cost lets u slap down all the planetary improvements right away. But I wanted to know if a certain faction does it better, I also typically have problems with expansion disapproval, I dont really understand how that works.
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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 10:21:08 PM
I know there's a tech you can buy that reduces expansion disapproval.

I would love a terraforming victory condition. That's a playstyle I often go through. My colonies number more than the stars themselves!

Of course that usually means I lose because I've been too focused on that aspect...
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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 10:28:52 PM
Most Races have a preferred Planet-Type that gives them a massive boost.

For Example for Horatio it is Arid, where they can get +30 Approval on. In my game as Horatio I could run 100% Tax and still had 100% Approval because all my Planets were Terraformed to Arids. Was making almost 30k Dust/Turn but right when I was about to win Eco-Victory the Harmony won a Science-Victory in the very same turn I reached 100%.
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11 years ago
Nov 16, 2013, 11:58:36 PM
Sowers and Automatons can research techs that give FIDS bonuses to planets of the same kind as their home planet, so it makes it very beneficial to terraform into these types to get the bonuses.

I kinda like the idea of a terraforming victory, but Im not quite sure how that would work with the current mechanics. I mean, uploading the consciousness of a civilization onto a massive network or building an invulnerable empire seem like things that would declare you the winner. But simply terraforming 100+ planets is more worthy of a steam achievement than a victory. But I think it definitely could be worked into something cool.
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