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Earth and the ES lore?

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11 years ago
Dec 26, 2013, 1:13:13 AM
Cannot access that forum Nos. DarkMeph, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 4:06:35 PM
DarkMeph wrote:
Thank you Nos for posting the information. I always thought you had been a VIP from the beginning.

That could be After Dimension or something simliar rather than Anno Domini. It should be AE which would mean After Endless.


I was one of the 2nd wave-VIPs who were asked to be moderators and became VIPs alongside that responsibility. The 1st VIP-wave were the ninjas and other people asked by Amplitude. So Znork or Sharidann count among those. smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 2:22:50 PM
Thank you Nos for posting the information. I always thought you had been a VIP from the beginning.

That could be After Dimension or something simliar rather than Anno Domini. It should be AE which would mean After Endless.

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11 years ago
Jan 2, 2014, 1:42:55 PM
Well, apparently Jesus and Christianity existed in this universe, as the dating system starts at 3000 A.D..
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11 years ago
Dec 31, 2013, 9:36:05 PM
Couldn't be a good thing to change that hero's description, anyway? This would erase every doubt about the "Earth" thing.
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11 years ago
Dec 28, 2013, 8:54:02 PM
Maybe its in an alternate Universe where its still the Milky Way galaxy but our Star Sol never emerged or was already destroyed by someone (endless) so the vaulters which are our ancestors lorewise couldnt discover it.

Middle earth could also be an alternate version of terra.

Just thats the continental movement was different and that they have magic.(or maybe its just very advanced technology which they didnt understand by themselfes who knows^^)
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11 years ago
Dec 28, 2013, 7:26:11 PM
Well, it could be that some of the randomized galaxy each time, or the reach of the Endless expanded beyond a single galaxy (Same with the species that are involved here) since it makes sense to some degree since Horatio, Piligrms, and S guys are all divergences from the United Empire, so the fact they all just have one place at start, instead of Empire being a sprawling bloated, weak empire with split off. But the long distances to colonize new galaxies and yada. But of course, the Narrative Director clarified. I just enjoy theories.
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11 years ago
Dec 26, 2013, 12:07:57 PM
no sol system but other famous constellation names of the milky way were used (Cancer for example) thats quite confusing
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11 years ago
Dec 26, 2013, 6:22:56 AM
DarkMeph wrote:
Cannot access that forum Nos. DarkMeph, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:


Hm. Not your fault. It links to the ES VIP forum, it seems. That damn thing was before even I was a VIP, so I didn't get that, myself, at first.

Ah, well, no harm in just quoting it:

TrashMan wrote:
Faction: United Empire

Name: Commander Forsythe


Born on Earth, Forsythe was always fascinated with stars, even as a child. He left the planet on the first occasion and joined the military, where he progressed trough the ranks quickly.

Young and charismatic, Forsythe demonstrated an uncanny ability to asses the battlefield quickly and organize effective defences. Over the course of the next few years, his intervention saved many empire ships from destruction.

Suffice to say, his determination and skill to minimize losses have made him very popular among the common servicemen.

Apperance: tall, relatively young, neatly kept uniform.

Class: Commander

Labor -0

Wit - 3


Off- 5

Def- 8
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11 years ago
Dec 16, 2013, 1:16:00 PM
Is our planet in the ES universe? I presumed the UE empire was future earthlings but the Vaulters are ancient humans so that kinda kills that idea.
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11 years ago
Dec 24, 2013, 11:54:53 AM
If earth doesn't exist in the endless space universe why is this here in a heroes text?

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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 6:58:48 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Why fried? Hissho tastes better raw in my opinion smiley: wink

One reason: Endless salmonellae!
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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 6:50:51 PM
Vicarious wrote:
Slowhands, please tell us something about "Hissho biir". Are the Hissho the best brewers in the ES universe? What about drinking Hissho biir with fried Hissho?

Why fried? Hissho tastes better raw in my opinion smiley: wink

And somehow I seriously doubt they are considered the best brewers in the ES universe...

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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 5:49:41 PM
Slowhands, please tell us something about "Hissho biir". Are the Hissho the best brewers in the ES universe? What about drinking Hissho biir with fried Hissho?
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11 years ago
Dec 17, 2013, 3:32:10 AM
assortedbits wrote:
Just go for it! Tolkien is terribly overrated anyway! smiley: wink

assortedbits wrote:
Tolkien is terribly overrated anyway!

assortedbits wrote:

Thanks for clarifying the lore devs smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Dec 16, 2013, 4:35:16 PM
Slowhands wrote:
Note: I'm not making claims that we compete with Middle Earth, it's just a well-known example!

Just go for it! Tolkien is terribly overrated anyway! smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Dec 16, 2013, 3:26:51 PM
"The first to travel widely between the stars were known as the Endless; we know of no earlier form of intelligent life that moved between galaxies. That is not to say, of course, that others did not exist. But if they did they rose and fell or were snuffed out, receding back into the dust of history. Perhaps, with time and further exploration, their secrets will be uncovered as well..."

In spite of the morphological similarities, the Vaulters and the United Empire are not future (or past!) Earthlings, nor will any of the galaxy maps you play include "Terra" or "Sol". Unlike other SF/F universes (Dune, Battlestar Galactica, etc.) we decided to not make the Endless universe concurrent with our own. Many things will feel familiar -- like they do in the setting of Middle Earth, for instance -- but you won't find "Earth" in Endless Space like you won't find "England" on a map by Tolkien.

Note: I'm not making claims that we compete with Middle Earth, it's just a well-known example!
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