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Why do I have 7 -66% science improvements?

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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 3:54:17 AM
My science is literally 0....My happiness is elated, and everything else is working smoothly. In my Empire "Factors" tab I see that there are numerous (7) lines of -66% science. Not sure where they are coming from. I have checked everything that I can, and an internet search came up empty. Any ideas? Here is a pic:

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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 4:21:41 AM
Sorry, gonna noob on ya....How do I post my save file? It is in .bin form. Forum wont let me post it. I'm playing Vaulters.

Thanks for helping!
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 4:32:35 AM
Seems like I may have figured it out. Portal Particle Screens have a -66% System wide reduction in Science! I had 7 of them being built. The issue, is that they were affecting my whole empire, not just the star system.

Edit: Pic to prove: Every system has 0 science, total science is 0. There are 4 being made and it says -66% on system in the tootip.

p.s. Sorry for crappy quality, just zoom to read.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 5:19:41 AM
You can always put it in a .zip file using something like Winzip.

I can't help with the Vaulters as I don't have them.
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 1:30:22 PM
isent Portal Particle Screens supossed to be only able to build only once in one system and then affecting the whole Empire with the recent changes from last patch.

I am pretty sure thats a bug and not intended.

PS: Do you get also the X%smiley: science per Portal Bonus multiple times after the Portal Particle Screens are all build?
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11 years ago
Jan 25, 2014, 3:49:15 PM
Sovereign wrote:
isent Portal Particle Screens supossed to be only able to build only once in one system and then affecting the whole Empire with the recent changes from last patch.

I am pretty sure thats a bug and not intended.

I suppose this could be explained if the game was started before the last patch. Otherwise, it's certainly a bug.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 4:53:12 PM
it only happens while the portals are being built, after that it should stop. the idea is to have all your systems have portals built before you start expending. also doing it on one system at a time is probably best.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 5:46:09 PM
But in the Improvment Description its says "Its not cumulative"
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11 years ago
Jan 27, 2014, 3:15:01 AM
Here is the final word. This is the patch notes from about a week ago, Sovereign was right:

The Vaulters

In first place, Vaulters were immune against disapproval but it was not fun enough. So we added a little gameplay twist; now only system with Portals are not counted for the expansion disapproval and the counter part is that the expansion disapproval is 3 times stronger for a Vaulter.

Still too easy huh? Well, to reinforce the defensive aspect of the Vaulter, the Portal can now only be built on a system with 100% ownership.

In addition to that, we modified their unique improvement: now, only one is needed in the Empire and it will produce 1% of Science on Empire per Portal. The counterpart is, the construction of the building reduces by 66% the Science on all systems.
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