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Negative Food and Science Productions (shown as -x From Planets)

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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 3:16:47 AM
Playing as Harmony. Why is the production negative? In fact, adding more population makes the net production less.


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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 3:58:17 AM
Dust ;/

Penalty for the Harmony

this negative Factor would be for example higher on a Arid or Desert Planet.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 4:24:52 AM
The Void Stone is adding 3 dust per pop to that planet, which makes that tundra only 1 less dust per pop than an arid. Once you research the appropriate tech and purify the system 33% of that dust will be converted to food and science. The purification always takes 5 turns to build no matter how much production a system has.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 4:49:52 PM
if you research some of the early game colonization techs, some of them reduce the disharmony penalty. just something worth knowing when you play as harmony.
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11 years ago
Jan 26, 2014, 5:40:09 PM
Alternately, you could go with a custom Harmony build that uses Tolerant 1 so you can colonize every planet. The planet types you haven't researched the colonization techs for will have a 50% penalty to FIDS. That means if you never research arid or desert, the dust from those will not hurt as much. If you go with Tolerant 2 for only 10 more points it'll be a 25% penalty to FIDS. I usually go with Tolerant 2.

If you get to the conversion to lava fairly early, it's to the right and slightly below the lava colonization tech, you can convert the deserts to lava to significantly reduce the dust in those systems while also significantly increasing production. I usually convert the arctics and barrens to lava as well. Going for the conversion to desert after the conversion to conversion to lava lets you convert the arids to deserts then those deserts to lavas. You can do all of these right after Applied Casimir Effect (the wormhole tech), one right after another. With the Resonance fleets after the last patch and queuing up the industry to science conversion after every build, you can get to these techs.
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11 years ago
Jan 28, 2014, 1:43:56 AM
I find tundras are really good early game for both production, population, and lack of dust. also they have more food than lava planets.
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