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How Do You Move Your Colony Ship

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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 8:36:02 PM
hostile effects can often anger other players because they oftentimes give negayive bonuses to other players. however this only happens if they know who did it and i don't think it affects the game's ai at all. but in multiplayer you have to watch out.
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 3:51:51 PM
Only if it is mentioned in the effects as far as I know

BTW: Nice to have you guys join us
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 3:50:06 PM
LaMort13 wrote:
Hey, any idea on how the Galaxy wide events where you can choose Hostile, Helpful, or Selfish work? Do the choices affect anything other than the listed consequences? For example, if you choose hostile all the time will that anger the other players?

I haven't seen any repercussions from choosing whatever suited me best at the time with those events. I don't think Helpful/Selfish/Hostile really means anything yet. My guess is the labels are for game ambiance in case someone prefers a specific alignment. Or maybe they'll mean something in a later expansion?
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 1:34:39 PM
Hey, any idea on how the Galaxy wide events where you can choose Hostile, Helpful, or Selfish work? Do the choices affect anything other than the listed consequences? For example, if you choose hostile all the time will that anger the other players?
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 1:23:17 PM
LaMort13 wrote:

Looking forward to another game this afternoon. How I missed this game for the last two years I'll never know. smiley: smile

Same here. I saw a thread about it in another gaming forum, but didn't pay much attention to it. There's always some game being mentioned. I'm glad I finally went ahead and bought it though. smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 13, 2014, 4:59:37 AM
3vilTwin wrote:
One other time that you can't merge fleets is if there's a battle pending. Sometimes the AI initiates it, especially if you're in the same spot as a pirate. If the AI is stronger than you, it'll also frequently initiate battles. If there are a lot of enemies, they'll sometimes initiate battles sequentially to beat your fleet down before you can merge them. Could something like that be happening?

Yeah, there could have been a blockade/attack or something. I had cravers as next-door neighbors, and those guys just don't let up. Anyway, I really appreciate all the help; like I said, this is my first time with the game (or any 4x game, actually) and I've got a ton to learn. I think I've already picked up a lot in my first week, but I'm not going near multiplayer for a while. I just can't believe the elaborate strategies and knowledge some of these players have. :/ I did get my first victory with a custom faction last night, and that was pretty fun. I'm still playing on normal, but I plan to eventually take it up a notch. Right now, I'm trying to understand the ship upgrades and military tree because I find that to be the most complicated and confusing research branch. The exploration and science stuff I mostly understand, and the trading stuff I understand probably 70% of. (I still don't quite understand how the trade routes are generated, or what the various "trade caps" and "trade bonuses" do, but the other stuff is fairly straight-forward.)

Looking forward to another game this afternoon. How I missed this game for the last two years I'll never know. smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 12, 2014, 4:15:51 PM
One other time that you can't merge fleets is if there's a battle pending. Sometimes the AI initiates it, especially if you're in the same spot as a pirate. If the AI is stronger than you, it'll also frequently initiate battles. If there are a lot of enemies, they'll sometimes initiate battles sequentially to beat your fleet down before you can merge them. Could something like that be happening?
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 11:21:20 AM
Monthar wrote:
The only times you can't save a ship design are if it's a new design that you haven't named or you tried naming the same as another design. For instance if you build one of the Defender deigns you start with, then delete that design and try to design a new ship from scratch and name it Defender you won't be allowed to save. You can tell this because the name will be in red. Also if you have a destroyer class named Defender and try to design a Dreadnaught class and also name it Defender the new Dreadnaught's name will be in red and prevent you from saving the design. Every new design has to have a new name. You can modify an old design using the modify button in the lower right corner of the ships/fleets screen instead of making a new design.

Yes, you can merge fleets if only one of them has a hero assigned to it. Yes, you can retrofit fleets that a hero is assigned to. The only things preventing retrofit are the fleet isn't at one of your systems, you don't have enough dust or the new design requires a strategic resource that you don't have, the fleet is in a blockaded system or only source of one or more of the strategic resources need for the new design is in a blockaded system.

Even if you don't have the dust to retrofit the whole fleet you can select individual ships in the fleet and retrofit them one at a time using the button at the bottom of the ships/fleets screen.

The only things that will prevent a fleet from moving to a different system are, the system they are in is blockaded by another empire's fleet, the system they are traveling to is inside the influence ring of an empire you are not at war with or don't have open borders with, or the system you are trying to send them to is on the other side of a wormhole before you research applied casimir effect.

Rather than deleting the fleets you were having an issue with when you suspected the hero was the cause, you could have reassigned the hero to a different fleet or system first.

If the hero was actually causing those problems, then one of more of your game files may be corrupted. You might try having Steam verify your local files. To do that open steam, go to library page, right click on ES and select properties, select the local files tab in the new window and click the verify integrity of game cache.

The ship thing makes more sense now that I know about the names. I think I was trying to name my carriers "Defender" or somesuch, and that was probably the conflict.

I'm still at a loss for the Hero & Fleets problem I mentioned above. I didn't have any of the problems you mentioned, and it still wouldn't work. I'll verify cache integrity later tonight though, just to be sure that something's not wrong there. As for the reassignment, yeah, I could've done that, but that's a lot of turns "wasted." Plus I was doing small galaxy at the time, and I already had maxed out my other systems with heroes, so I would have had to dump and switch...it was just way too much work for a small problem. As for the retrofitting problem, the retrofitting button was grayed out, but I had the right amount of dust. I suppose someone might have declared war that turn, and I don't have the save file anymore to be sure, so maybe I just missed some other requirement like a special mod that I had added earlier.
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 11:47:05 AM
Hello. I've been playing Dungeon of the Endless for a while now, and thought I'd try out the Endless Space game as well. I am currently working my way through the tutorial in the single player mode, and I can't figure out how to move a (new) colony ship from my home system (where it was built) to a different system. The very first colony ship you start with I just set to "automatically explore the system" and had it colonize the first planet that was habitable. Now that I'm done exploring the system, I can't find any way to move the new colony ship I built. Help! smiley: redface
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 7:13:29 PM
The only times you can't save a ship design are if it's a new design that you haven't named or you tried naming the same as another design. For instance if you build one of the Defender deigns you start with, then delete that design and try to design a new ship from scratch and name it Defender you won't be allowed to save. You can tell this because the name will be in red. Also if you have a destroyer class named Defender and try to design a Dreadnaught class and also name it Defender the new Dreadnaught's name will be in red and prevent you from saving the design. Every new design has to have a new name. You can modify an old design using the modify button in the lower right corner of the ships/fleets screen instead of making a new design.

Yes, you can merge fleets if only one of them has a hero assigned to it. Yes, you can retrofit fleets that a hero is assigned to. The only things preventing retrofit are the fleet isn't at one of your systems, you don't have enough dust or the new design requires a strategic resource that you don't have, the fleet is in a blockaded system or only source of one or more of the strategic resources need for the new design is in a blockaded system.

Even if you don't have the dust to retrofit the whole fleet you can select individual ships in the fleet and retrofit them one at a time using the button at the bottom of the ships/fleets screen.

The only things that will prevent a fleet from moving to a different system are, the system they are in is blockaded by another empire's fleet, the system they are traveling to is inside the influence ring of an empire you are not at war with or don't have open borders with, or the system you are trying to send them to is on the other side of a wormhole before you research applied casimir effect.

Rather than deleting the fleets you were having an issue with when you suspected the hero was the cause, you could have reassigned the hero to a different fleet or system first.

If the hero was actually causing those problems, then one of more of your game files may be corrupted. You might try having Steam verify your local files. To do that open steam, go to library page, right click on ES and select properties, select the local files tab in the new window and click the verify integrity of game cache.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 1:39:48 PM
Madcow wrote:
You don't assign it to a hero, you just research Improved Fleet Management or whatever it is called and it takes effect when you complete the research. Its effect is "on your empire" which means it just kicks in. No assigning, no building...it just happens.

Weird. The description says "when assigned on hero." There's a lot of stuff in this game (research descriptions and otherwise) which is either vague or just wrong. I suspect that some of them might be artifacts from translation, and others just due to lack of space. At any rate, thank God for the wiki and forums.

Madcow wrote:

You can't build a ship if you need a resource that you don't have in the system like a 2nd pop to build a colony ship or a strategic (purple) resource you need to build a hull or component (you may have it on another system, but if its being blocked by blockade, you really can't access it).

I figured that out, but sometimes even though I'm below the tonnage maximum it won't let me build/save the design. Only when I'm really close, say +/- 10%. Could've been a bug though, I did get a weird error message right beforehand...

Madcow wrote:

No idea what you mean by "Why can a fleet that has not been assigned to a hero not be on the same system as a fleet that has been assigned to a hero?". Also, you don't assign fleets to heroes, you assign heroes to fleets smiley: smile

In this case I already had a hero assigned to Fleet Alpha. When I built Fleet Bravo, it wouldn't let me Merge the two--even though the total was (far) below the CP. Odder still, when I tried to move them to the same system to merge, Fleet Alpha would refuse to go to any system Fleet Bravo was in. I would click to move as normal, but the game wouldn't accept any destination for Fleet Alpha that Fleet Bravo was in, and vice-versa. In the end I had to scrap the entrie Fleet Alpha, and then wait to reassign the hero. I've also noticed that you can't retrofit ships with a hero assigned. I'm not sure if these are design/balance decisions or just bugs/oversights. Either way, it's a bit irritating. smiley: confused

Madcow wrote:

I never see pirates go thru wormholes (pirates also don't build colony ships). They can take over a system (at least I've seen that in vanilla) and that is IMO the funniest thing that can happen in-game.

I was playing a fast game on tiny (just because I'm still learning, and working out the mechanics) and in retrospect I think what happened was that the "cosmic strings" were no longer required for travel. Or at least that's what it seemed like.

Madcow wrote:

4x games always seem oblique since the game seldom describes what is happening with all the number crunching. That is why there are always forums.

I believe you, this is in fact my first one. I've definitely got a lot of learning to do. Thank you for the help. smiley: biggrin

**EDIT** Just to be clear, I really like the game, and I'm having fun. I'm just trying to figure out the mechanics, and there's a lot of stuff that's hard to figure out (even with the wiki help.)
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 12:25:24 PM
You don't assign it to a hero, you just research Improved Fleet Management or whatever it is called and it takes effect when you complete the research. Its effect is "on your empire" which means it just kicks in. No assigning, no building...it just happens.

You can't build a ship if you need a resource that you don't have in the system like a 2nd pop to build a colony ship or a strategic (purple) resource you need to build a hull or component (you may have it on another system, but if its being blocked by blockade, you really can't access it).

No idea what you mean by "Why can a fleet that has not been assigned to a hero not be on the same system as a fleet that has been assigned to a hero?". Also, you don't assign fleets to heroes, you assign heroes to fleets smiley: smile

I never see pirates go thru wormholes (pirates also don't build colony ships). They can take over a system (at least I've seen that in vanilla) and that is IMO the funniest thing that can happen in-game.

4x games always seem oblique since the game seldom describes what is happening with all the number crunching. That is why there are always forums.
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 11:25:11 PM
_Pax_ wrote:
That is a Wormhole. There's a technology in the (bottom) branch of research, that opens up travel through them.


Building a colony ship subtracts 1 population from the building system. Thus, you have to have 2 or more population in a system, in order to build one there.

Thank you. Any ideas on how you assign Post Op Analytics to a hero?

Also, why can some ships be built when they are below the maximum tonnage, and others cannot?

Why can a fleet that has not been assigned to a hero not be on the same system as a fleet that has been assigned to a hero?

Do pirates ignore wormholes?

I like the game thus far, but it really has a lot of oblique rules. It's a shame that the wiki and tutorial aren't more helpful. :/
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 2:25:00 PM
LaMort13 wrote:
2) How do you travel to a new star with a wavy connection line? (I have several unexplored stars in the galaxy, but my ships cannot travel to them for unexplained reasons.)

That is a Wormhole. There's a technology in the (bottom) branch of research, that opens up travel through them.

3) Why can I build a colony ship in some colonized system and not others?


Building a colony ship subtracts 1 population from the building system. Thus, you have to have 2 or more population in a system, in order to build one there.
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 12:44:21 PM
Thank you for the help (and the quick reply.) I didn't realize that building ships was different from creating fleets. On to the next step!

*EDIT** Rather than start a new thread with a second question, I figured I'd just ask here:

1) How do you assign Post Op Analytics to a Hero?

2) How do you travel to a new star with a wavy connection line? (I have several unexplored stars in the galaxy, but my ships cannot travel to them for unexplained reasons.)

3) Why can I build a colony ship in some colonized system and not others?
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11 years ago
Feb 8, 2014, 11:56:54 AM
In the system view, you first have to "create" a fleet of constructed ships.

Then select it (it appears outside the system where it was made), and right click to move it to the desired system.

Also, auto-exploring with your colony ships is a bad idea, as it will start moving to the next system once it's reached whatever system it was headed to. It's fine for exploration ships, but colony ships are different. If you find a habitable planet, you'd want to colonise it as soon as possible. If it starts moving to a different system (possibly an uninhabitable system), and you waste several turns moving the ship back.
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