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Kitchen Chemists vs Scientists 2

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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 2:39:02 AM
Nxf7 wrote:
Most of my custom factions have both scientists 3 AND kitchen chemists, yeah it's 50 points but there's plenty of pointless malous's to make up for it. I believe the % from scientists will multiply with kitchen chemists too so by taking both you're getting more mileage out of kitchen chemists.
Again, this is about the choice of one over the other, not both. Also I don't min max my factions, I limit myself to a maximum of three different maluses.
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11 years ago
Feb 11, 2014, 12:54:05 AM
Most of my custom factions have both scientists 3 AND kitchen chemists, yeah it's 50 points but there's plenty of pointless malous's to make up for it. I believe the % from scientists will multiply with kitchen chemists too so by taking both you're getting more mileage out of kitchen chemists.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 11:50:43 PM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
well to be fair, in the later game populations go up by a lot and having both can be a fantastic benefit.

This is a argument about which one would yield you more science for 20 trait points. Having both would be redundant and eat up a whopping 40 trait points.

Your science boost is tied directly to your # of smiley: stickouttongueopulation: with Kitchen Chemists. This system has KC so the actual value is 148. So 25 smiley: stickouttongueopulation:, 25 smiley: science, but +20% smiley: science to 148 you get 29.6, only a minor increase in the case of this system, if I were to make it a dedicated science system however, or just get it past 200-300. That 20% will easily outshine the pop count. So the benefits of Kitchen Chemists recedes as your overall science goes up in the mid to late game.

This system was made with a faction that had scientists 1 so the actual value is 2493. KC would only bring it up by 26, Scientists 2 utterly blows it away at 498.6

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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 11:08:23 PM
well to be fair, in the later game populations go up by a lot and having both can be a fantastic benefit.
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 9:43:35 PM
So per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: bonuses are better for early game and % bonuses are better for late game. EDIT: Also how bad is spendthrifts 2? (-20% :dustsmiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 3:48:27 AM
As soon as your planets are averaging 5 science per pop then scientists 2 is more effective. This probably happens a lot sooner than you'd think unless if you're specifically ignoring arctics in favor of tundra and arids/deserts to build up an early military force. If you're not going to grab all 4 traits then kitchen chemists would benefit the playstyle that gets a lead and tries to bully opponents with it. Scientists benefits turtling.

Of the similar dust traits I've never had myself run out of dust early game so Entrepreneurs seems to be a waste unless if you want an economic victory. I've also tried Entrepreneurs + the -30% dust malous but once again the early game dust wasn't much of a help and the late game dust income was crippling.
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