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Did you ever see the AI bombing or troop-invading your system?

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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 12:54:15 AM
Hi, have anyone of you had experience of losing the system in one turn because of the AI using troops.

or anything like that, ie. have you at least ever see the AI bombing your system??
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 1:41:00 AM
I have had the ai on higher difficulties steam roll through my systems with tons of troops in a well prepared attack before, but only because i let them take control of almost the entire galaxy, I don't think i have been bombed. This ai on the other hand was horatio and they can quickly regain population, perhaps other factions won't risk their populations?
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 2:28:51 AM
Yes, the AI obviously doesn't use bombs and troops very much, which means the game could be won with ease.

just troop invade all the AI's and build a plasma cage improvement ASAP and you get advantage regardless of how many ships your enemy has.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 3:58:59 AM
I have never seen the A.I do either.It must be a A.I ship design and low research priority issue.I think the mechanics need tweaking to make invading on one turn not so easy too.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 6:09:44 AM
Yes I did even tho I gotta admit I see troop invasions more often then orbital bombings but IF the AI opts for that design (only a few races are prone to bomber designs and you hardly see it at lower then serious difficulty) you ll get the bombing of your lifetime if you dont intercept that fleet ASAP. Got bombed every turn for 10 turns straight. My people were back in the stoneage on that system it wasnt funny.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 3:33:41 PM
That's strange because I play endless difficulty and have not seen any bombing/troop attempts so far.

But I have to admit that I didn't allow enemy siege fleets to even start the invasion(at least not in the late game when bombs get available), so that may be why they didn't bomb me :/

but however I also haven't seen the AI capturing others AI system in a single turn.

maybe switching to the classic version is a way to go smiley: smile

at least classic mode makes the game more fair against the AI in single player.


I'm goin to play classic now on endless and see how that turns out.

no bombs, not troops and no plasma cage to raze systems smiley: biggrin

just plain fight.

I'll post ma xp here as soon as I finish the game.
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