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How to handle conquered Harmony purified systems?

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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 4:33:31 AM
Brand new player to ES. Played half dozen games now and so far love it, albeit with some of the problems I've read about (*AI retreat spam, bit tedious end game, etc).

However one issue stands out for me and looking for advice. I've been playing each race in order shown on race select screen so I can learn the game and traits first hand. My bad luck though has been in majority of my games so far I've encountered the Harmony AI.

Whatever victory goal I am trying for, I have to do some combat and lot of times I'm faced with attacking a key choke point or path into galaxy held by the Harmony.

Problem: they've purified the system - didn't know what this meant till finally figured it out but it produces zero dust, and system view on map shows the white background meaning been purified.

Question: so if I need to attack through their system either to win military, expansion, or just establish key choke points while going for other victory conditions, I'm faced with same question - What do I do with the conquered Harmony system that's been purified?

a) do I plasma cage it and burn it to the ground so I'm not saddled with unhappy, negative dust producing system? Even if I sell off all unnecessary buildings, these purified systems will be a drain on my overall dust production. I guess at late game won't matter with so much overall dust produced but lot of times I'm encountering Harmony purified mid-game where my overall dust production is still important to balance

b) do I still conquer and take it and just accept the negative dust drain? Maybe try make it a specialist science system if it has lot of planets even though it costs be dust debt to keep the system running?

c) Unless I missed something, don't see a way to un-purify a system, so if not choice A or B above, is there something else I'm missing as optimal way to deal with Harmony systems already purified that I need to go through in order to expand, supremacy, etc?

thank you
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 7:34:32 AM
There is no way to un-purify a system purified by the Harmony, just like there is no way to un-deplete a system depleted by the Cravers. In the Harmony's case, it certainly does create a tactical advantage in their favor.

I believe you can still use the Dust to Dust tech and pillage a system for dust though. You can do that before you plasma cage it, for example. You might even just make a whole bunch of colony ships (should you have the time and industry) and fly those off to reduce the dust loss as well before you total it. But yes, those systems are pretty much an economic vacuum on non-Harmony factions.
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 4:17:22 PM
Why not give players the ability to terraform a planet into itself? The process would 'restore' a depleted or purified system to it's original state. I'd also make Gas Giants and Asteroids only terraform into themselves. (No huge gas giant to huge Terran.)
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 10:03:28 PM
Deuyivan Construction allows you to change gas giants into other giants and into barren (and barren/lava into gas giants).

It might be possible to make an option or improvement that removed the depeleted or purified effect... I'll look into it. Terraformations won't change the depleted status (it's a seperate tag to the planet, not an effect on planet type), but it might be possible to take the tag off. Purified is a system-wide effect, so it might actually be easier to remove.

Check on my thread in the modding section on occasion (Tiax's Anomaly Overhaul); I don't have a lot of time to work on the mods with the baby and all, but when I do, I get a lot done. I'll put this on my to-do list.
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11 years ago
Jun 2, 2014, 6:23:46 AM
Short of a mod though, my basic question is in vanilla ES or the version I have - the all in one bundle with all add-ons plus Harmony DLC bought off steam couple days ago - what is the optimal strategy to deal with Harmony purified systems?

It seems having played a few more games since I posted the OP question, my options are limited to:

a) ignore the Harmony from a military takeover point of view and deal with them for other victory condition wins - e.g. either don't take any purified systems, or ignore them and just strike for the capital to achieve supremacy

b) take the purified system and somehow absorb the dust drain by subsidizing with other richer systems, and maybe use the purified system if it has a lot of planets as a science or production system - but this really depends on economically strong you are at the time and maybe not always viable

c) assuming I can't rush the Harmony fast enough to conquer before they achieve purification, take the purified system and them plasma cage it to burn down to the ground and rid myself of that handicapped system

How are others who've played lot more than me dealing usually with Harmony AI who have achieved purified systems in the standard game non-mod?
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11 years ago
Jun 2, 2014, 3:44:26 PM
I'd go for b) usually.

While the systems produce no dust, they produce more of something else instead.

So the overall FIDS still greatly improves.

This might mean having to specialize some other systems to produce more dust but once you have that tech, that gives you dust per population on planets with moons, dust usually stops beeing an issue.
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