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Concerned about an issue brought up on the steam forums. Is it true?

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10 years ago
Nov 30, 2014, 8:31:55 PM
I saw this too. However, in the one game I played since the patch the AI was making plenty of ships. Also, the AI was much more aggressive with its ships (which is a good thing).

I was playing Disharmony.
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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 3:15:58 AM
In my current game, started with latest patch, the enemy is building lots of ships. What is weird though, is after decalring war on me, it started invading one system, with barely a few ships, i was expecting several dozens of them and to be completely overwhelmed... I quit just to see the stats and he has by far the biggest fleet in CP numbers and Attack number. He's not at war with anyone else, so why is it not wiping me out? Maybe it's sadistic, he wants me to agonize for a long time?
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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 12:06:58 AM
I'm finding that the AI is building ships, but in some cases, I'm running across confusing fleets. Some are made up largely of ships with no attack, fighters or bombers, but loads of defense. They're sitting ducks, just adding to my dust and experience. All of the no attack fleets are Sheredyn. The rest of the factions seem to be more logical and are putting up a decent challenge.

If it matters, I'm playing a custom Sheredyn on endless difficulty, early slow parameters.
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10 years ago
Dec 2, 2014, 11:03:14 PM
I didn't notice this until just now (I read this topic earlier). I hovered my mouse over the AI ships with 0 attack 0 defense and found that most had 1500 siege power. Looks like the AI uses separate ships for invasions now.
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