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What's surplus food good for?

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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 11:07:44 AM
That would be very interesting. This issue was solved with a transports system in MOO2, sending the surplus food to where it was needed, and even then, you could get into trouble if not put an eye to the food production on some planets.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 8:15:56 AM
I believe some heroes with Admin/Labor that have talents that give a flat +Food and +Production, they are great for jumpstarting colonies in systems.

Problem is that when you're at that stage, starting a colony is trivial enough as it is anyway.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 5:23:59 AM
merkaba954 wrote:
Hopefully they implement something that will cause excess food surplus to get exported to other systems possibly? Cause my home system is like makin a crap load of food but then new colonies that don't have a terran or ocean planet in them you need to build a food exploit or faem first jist to get them to a point of happiness that causes pop growth faster than 20 turns lol. Now my only issue is tech that helps make more money. I need to study tje tech trees more to find stuff that increases dust gathering rate.

Low income in a system seems to tie to system morale which then ties to its production rate and growth rate. The happier the system tje faster they populate so a system with all lava planets is slow to grow lol

That's actually a good idea. I've had population problems with some systems that just suck with agriculture.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 5:06:36 AM
Hopefully they implement something that will cause excess food surplus to get exported to other systems possibly? Cause my home system is like makin a crap load of food but then new colonies that don't have a terran or ocean planet in them you need to build a food exploit or faem first jist to get them to a point of happiness that causes pop growth faster than 20 turns lol. Now my only issue is tech that helps make more money. I need to study tje tech trees more to find stuff that increases dust gathering rate.

Low income in a system seems to tie to system morale which then ties to its production rate and growth rate. The happier the system tje faster they populate so a system with all lava planets is slow to grow lol
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 4:23:14 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, sheds some light on game mechanics, wasn't expecting it to be that way. It makes sense, just threw me off guard a bit haha. Now just to undo all those food exploitations...
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:46:41 AM
Ah you shouldn't have edited out the portion about how it completely negates population growth if you build it. that seems like something that shouldn't happen
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:40:12 AM
^ What he said. Population growth stops when you have the tech, but if this an issue just scrap the improvement until you're back to pop cap.

EDIT: Re-editing the part about population growth stopping when you have the tech.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:38:05 AM
Ah, I noticed there's "Adaptive Industrial Systems" via "Dust Virtualization" way deep in the adaptive science tree...converts all surplus food into tech at 1:1 ratio. so that's a possibility.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:49:50 AM
Yes, that works IF you still have population points left to fill. Is surplus food good for anything once populations are maxed? Just score padding? I mean, I've got a system right now (and I don't have much research done in the Diplo/Trade tree) with over 200 extra food/turn, thanks to it having a huge planet with hydromiel (+3/p) and several empire/monopoly bonuses, and that's obv. without even using the farm exploitation.

Production is great to crank up, obviously, so you can pump out new upgrades/ships asap, and it can spill over to science or dust, each of which is useful to increase because they are a galaxy-wide resource. It seems that extra food, however, is just wasted, which means you'd want to have just barely enough to population cap your system. That's a design decision - I don't have a problem with it, just curious if that's the case and plans to stay that way. I could see wanting to build farms early on and swapping them out for prod/sci/dust as you get bonuses/multipliers.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:29:38 AM
Food increase your population on your planet and a higher population (the blue symbols left side of the planet) give you a extra point in science, production etc. Example: you see in the description "Industry: +1 per (blue symbol) on Lava". If you have 5 of 7 population on a lava planet so you get +5 on production.

And your other question: In the future you can change the order per "drag and drop". Someone had the same question before. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:23:02 AM
AONomad wrote:
Hey guys, just picked this game up on Steam, it's amazing and can't wait for the full release. Just one thing that's bothering me is I can't figure out what surplus food is good for (higher production lets you produce more, higher money spend more, higher science research more...). There's a ton of research upgrades to increase it but don't know why I would want to. I'm only around 3 hours into my first game, so maybe I just haven't played enough, but feels like I'm missing something.


Consolidating another question I had into the same thread, is there a way to change production order without canceling what's being produced? Tried looking around for an option but couldn't find anything.

Production order cant be changed yet but the devs are implementing it. Extra food should increase your population growth rate in the system I do believe.
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