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Fleet Sizes and Combat

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:36:54 AM
I just wanted to say I love this game. It really has some great potential.

There is one thing I think would add in a lot of variety in the combat part of the game and that is the ability to research larger fleet sizes. Instead of just 5 ships per fleet, regardless if its a scout of a dreadnought. Have each class of ship use a certain size type. For example Small ships would be +1 and then the next larger would be +2 and +3 and so on. If I put the time to research larger fleets instead of rushing to dreadnought I could have fleet of 10 corvettes vs 1 dreadnought, as that person who didn't research larger fleets could only have 1 dreadnaught per fleet. It would make for some epic cinematic fights.

A few other thoughts about fleets

To have the game alert you when one of your fleets can attack a hostile fleet.

To set a fleet as a primary system defender (which removes the fleet from normal simple map selection) and possibly get certain bonus' based off the type of planets in the system. for example Gas Giants might make missiles miss more based off of EM interference.

To be able to build military structures in a system to support defending fleets in the cinematic battles. i.e. Space Stations, Repair Bays, Gun Platforms

To have supporting ship types like Repair Ships, Fighter Carriers ECM or ECCM ships to add special cards to play in battle.

Just some ideas
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:45:50 AM
Different fleet sizes? Current it ranges from 3 (with penalty to CP and no tech) to 24 (with bonus to CP and all techs), which is 24 corvettes/transports/destroyers, or 12 cruisers/battleships, or 6 dreadnoughts, or any combination thereof.

I believe many of the other suggestions here are in some of the other threads.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:49:31 AM
Oh *face palm* I guess I didn't research that far ahead. I thought it was just 5 ships period. Now I feel dumb.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:10:02 AM
TheKnave wrote:
Oh *face palm* I guess I didn't research that far ahead. I thought it was just 5 ships period. Now I feel dumb.

Check diplomacy/dust tree (left). Oddly, they're located there.
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