After playing 32 hours of Endless Space I have noticed some things:

I have played 5 long games and i find the cravers to be on top all the time followed by hissho, I have only pointed the things out i feel have a serious impact on the game.


Optimal structure +30% tonage

Militarists -20% cost on ships

Deadly weapons +15% to damage

Big fleets +2 command points

This combination is to strong, i surgest a -10% reseach at least and lowering the

command point bonus to 1 even tho its suposed to be hive minded zerg. Even with the

cravers affinity it was so much easier to win the game by just having more pop in your fleets.

The hero system

I like the hero system more or less with hiring a hero for your empire and putting him to organzie your planets or fleets but one thing i found somewhat silly was that i got my 3 heros

as fast as i could and got offered heros at a 40-50 turn interval that were lvl one meaning my

heros would be lvl 7 at that time i there was no reason to expel my old heros to get a new one.

This could be fixed by getting an offer on a new hero that was perhaps 1 lvl below your current

/or overall lowering exp 50% for all heros but making the hero cap 4 or 5.

The Hero idea is pretty good but it seemed like it was a gain gain gain thing with no counter

in the late game, my hero with 110+dm on weapons was pretty much unstoppable expecially with a maxed out 23 ships per fleet.

I really think you should have heros get wounded after battles instead of a instant moneyheal

cause the also seem to gain exp alot fast from the battle. And mayb a option to cripple a hero x turns would be usefull lategame for pvp.

When playing on normal against Horatio he kept spamming ships that hammered into my op craver fleet,making my hero lvl 2 times per turn this seemed somewhat silly even tho his the farm/clone master. Instead of trying some diplomacy when he lost long time ago.


I find the +++ traits +45% should be lowered to perhaps 35% they all seem slightly to strong

I know it is one of the things that differs the races but 35% should be good.

I like the detail in with the planets the abnormalilties the moons very moo3 outlay but it works great.

Like the ship design and customizing

Would like a customizable banner or something like that but its not that important.

Oh ye one thing i remember is the soundtrack "jumped" everytime i pressed end turn aka the music had holes in it smiley: frown

I look very much forward to this game as i have played all space games there is to play good and bad starting with masters of orion and and one of my favorites alpha centauri, will you guys make alhpa centauri 2? O_o

Just some quick thoughts keep up the great work!
