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My list of comments to Endless Space Alpha

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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 1:32:43 PM

first let me tell you, please continue this great work. I bought access to the Alpha on Steam on Saturday, and your game already "stole" two days of my life. I have played other games with all patches applied that were worse than your Alpha release! Maybe we will finally see a worthy successor of Master of Orion 1 and 2. smiley: smile

Over the last two day, I played a lot of games, most of them only 50-100 turns long. I had one "exception message" in two days, otherwise the game worked quite well.

Generic gameplay comments (and possible improvements):

* No message/popup when you forgot to set the production goal of a planet!

* No message/popup when you forgot to set a research goal

* No message/popup when "Virtual Production Goals" (Conversion to X, infinite duration) is in front of other production

* Different message when the player himself kills an enemy ("somewhere an enemy has been killed" is strange when I did it myself)

* leader abilities „director X“ and „efficient schooling“ should add up in the effects list of the hero (2 abilities each giving a percentage bonus on a single stat)

* Empire Management list sorting seems to reset after going to a planet and back (would be good if it stays at the same scroll position and the same sorting option)

* Ship movement is strange. If I move them by hand, they can arrive one turn earlier.

Possible Bugs I found playing the Alpha:

* Sometimes, both the "auto" and "manual" button for combat blinks and you cannot click both of them, you have to wait for the "timeout"

* Killed enemy was still visible in Diplomacy menu during my only complete playthrough

Early gameplay comments:

* Pirates sometimes very strong (lots of ships, lots of fleets)

* sometime very early pirates (turn 17), 2 "hops" away from start planet, 2 fleets with each 2 ships!

* Sometimes very early contact with neighbors

** case 1: Spiral-2/Small/4 Empires/Normal => 2 neighbor scouts seen in turn 7

** case 2: Spiral-2/Small/4 Empires/Normal => found enemy colony in turn 4, 3 hops away from start

Combat related comments:

* Would be nice to have a way to speed up combat (both automatic and manual). Maybe by pressing shift, the speed could be doubled/trippled?

* No option to retreat if you enter a system that belongs to an enemy and has ships

* Ships in your own systems do not prevent the enemy from flying "through" the system

* After action combat reports sometimes report ships that are not there (fight between 1 Colony Ship and Pirate... Colonyship destroyed... report says 1 of 2 Colony Ships destroyed, both nothing on map afterwards)


Things I later found in the FAQ (sorry for the noise ^^):

* In some games, trade does not seem to activate (all colonies have 0/x trade routes). In other games, it works well.

=> no AI at peace is doing this easily.

* Sometimes you cannot send fleets to an existing colony within the area of influence of an AI (territory influence should not be strong enough to isolate a colony)

=> Cold war prevents the use of strings within the sphere of influence. So an enemy colony might block your outpost, right?
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 3:08:09 PM
Please also take a look at the known bugs and suggestions thread for coverage of most of your issues. For suggestions, please take a look at the main post in that thread. Then, since some of your suggestions are unique, please mention them there. We hope that by centralizing all the requests in one place, the devs will be able to find them quickly (and then implement them! )
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:08:58 AM
davea wrote:
Please also take a look at the known bugs and suggestions thread for coverage of most of your issues.

Sorry for this, will try to be more careful where to post the next suggestions.

For suggestions, please take a look at the main post in that thread. Then, since some of your suggestions are unique, please mention them there. We hope that by centralizing all the requests in one place, the devs will be able to find them quickly (and then implement them! )

I will do so.
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