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disabled friendly GUI please

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:40:52 AM
hi guys

I pre-ordered this game last week but I quickly realised that there was a major problem for me as I don't have a scroll wheel to zoom. I assumed that there must be an alternative to the scroll wheel to work this crucial feature in the game but was quite shocked to discover there wasn't. I realise this is still in testing but I just want to make it clear to the devs that while mice with scroll wheels are very common now, not everyone uses one. There are people that use Tracker balls (due to RSI) and those of us with disabilities that have a modified control system which only has rudimentary mouse functions.

As a disabled person I use an on-screen keyboard to press Any keys that are required for a Game and therefore I need games to run in a window. Most developers are getting pretty good especially the games that I play which are RTS. Having said this there are several games which I bought recently which just do not allow for window mode or having secondary keyboard options for the basic commands.

As yet I have not been able to play this game in its entirety but from what I can see it is only the scroll wheel that is the problem for me. Having thought about this some more, what would be even better than a keyboard shortcut would be to have two buttons on the screen for the zooming on both the galactic screen as well as on the tech tree. This way there is no on-screen keyboard needed so I could run the whole game full screen!

In the US alone there are 30 million disabled people some of whom rely on computer games as their main entertainment as I do. You would have thought that developers would realise that this is a massive market to tap into and make games more accessible for us.

Anyway this is just a suggestion for other games these guys are making in the future. I'm really looking forward to being able to play this game once An alternative zooming system has been introduced.


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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:06:24 AM
I support the added zoom features to the main galaxy, though I think there is a zoom slider on the right hand side of the tech tree already.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:17:59 AM
yes you're quite right Maclardal there is a facility on the Tech tree screen which I hadn't noticed! Please could Something similar the added to the Galaxy map ASAP so those of us who have paid for the game can enjoy it while it is still being developed and can then contribute to this forum!
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 1:01:05 PM
Hello! Disabled gamer here as well. This thread has a fix for the mouse scolling bug, http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?740-Workarounds-to-Known-Issues That bug sure closed much of the map and tech tree off, awesome fix. I'm sure the key mapping will be in soon. I've been disabled 11 years now, c4-c6 quadriplegic, and been gaming a long time, the GUI has been a real treat. More polish and function than many "finished" games. I'm sure there are some parts of the game and UI which hinder gameplay, but I believe the dev team will keep an eye out for fixes if we alert them game functions which limit some gamers.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 1:06:20 PM
Hi Excalibur75,

A zoom slider has already been implemented (as a game option on the Options menu) to enable zooming in the galaxy for those who do not have a compatible mouse or trackpad.

The feature is ready and coming in the next build, which is in its last preparation steps.

Please let me know if there are other issues.

And if anyone knows which parts of the GUI are problematic for color blind people, let us know as well.

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