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[Demonstration] Sophon - Impossible Cravers & Insane Pirates. Come play with me!

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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:55:39 PM
Universe setup:

AI - Impossible Craver x7

Pirates - Insane

Layout - Disk

What you'll get out of playing / looking through the saves:

The disk layout means you've a long broad front, with no chance to turtle. Your fellow species are all Cravers, which means as a Sophon, they view you as breakfast. Insane pirates will spawn from all corners of the universe.

This is about as hard as Endless Space currently gets! So, either play along with me & laugh at how badly I'm doing, or just look through the saves to see how I died in vain. I mean, conquered the know universe. Of course, no exploits / dupes will be used.

Turn 0[/b]

Start - an ok starting system (you'll need to research to even expand) and nearby resources. At least you've your back against the edge of the universe, which means all threats will be coming from the south... you hope.

Hints: You have some nice systems to your west ~ and a nice combat leader. I rushed two domestic heros & set out to expand. Retrofitting your scout as a colony ship [move8vrs9] via a refit is one way to get quicker growth. Each turn you'll need to micro-manage to an extreme and keep all parts of your empire at maximal development, because the AI won't play fair.

Turn 30[/b]

Wee! Pirates have started attacking, I've some systems under my belt, but my western flank is very unprotected. Added to this, the pirates are using lasers already & the cravers who are warring me are both using different weapons. Stick to the plan, keep expanding and consolidate the west at all costs! This required a lot of dancing around with fleets to fend off three pirate prongs in rapid succession, and careful staggering of colony ships; however, instead of colony ships I've been using slightly faster modded scouts... even turn counts.

Turn 60[/b]

Ok, West held, lost a colony briefly, but came out ok. West has some nasty missile boats though, which required some sacrificial lambs to stave off. The systems there are nicely consolidated, but pirates are running amok to the east, two large fleets of them took a system before being slaughtered and... worse news. The strongest Craver faction has decided to war me as well. Ho-hum. On a plus note, West has the potential for some serious industry if it stays alive. I'm guessing the next 30 turns will be make or break time.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:58:50 PM
This commentary is just brilliant :P 5 Stars because you have the balls to do this.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 1:00:35 PM
Could you give us some screenshots?

(Empire-, Galaxy- & Research at 30 and 60)

I will look through the saves and wanna try my luck but I don't have the time right now but i still wanna know how you did (^^,).
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 1:24:50 PM
Not sure why, but the forum tends to fuzz up .png uploads. I'll screen shot some random stuff.

Turn 66: I discovered the ultimate tactic. Two injured, long defunct and outmoded protectors have gone on a Bonny & Clyde rampage, and have conquered two craver systems together, with no backup. The AI seems unwilling or unable to send anything but scouts at such a puny threat.

Onward, brave lemmings! (While back at the ranch, the slog match continues ~ just up-tech'd... West Cravers are all missile, south Cravers are beams so it's a battle to keep them both off).

On the plus side, the entire southern Craver attack fleet was just eaten by pirates. smiley: confused
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 1:43:19 PM
Since i usually play with the cravers i'm interested where this will lead, they prolly eat you alive, but still, i'm curious how (-!-)

Keep feeding us reports!
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 1:59:00 PM
ProphetSky wrote:
hmm..how did you manage to defend against the two different weapon systems?

Turn 1 - defeat pirates

Turn 2 - transit + tax 100% to get dust

Turn 3 - land, refit + defeat Craver fleet
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 3:23:30 PM
Turn 75[/b]

What's this? Not 30 turns? Why would you do that?

Because the entire world is attacking me, that's why smiley: mad

West I'm fending off missile green meanies, whilst east I have alternative pirates + the strongest Craver faction chewing me up. Ships are being lost, apart from Bonny & Clyde, who pinched two systems then scarped off quick time. Turn 75, I'm churning out ships as fast as I can, and am losing the war. Time to launch a suicide run deep into the strongest Cravers to try and distract some of their fleets.

Cum by yar chaps, good luck and all!

Turn 90[/b]

Phew. Well. Both sides lost masses of ships, and at one point my eastern hero was left with 2 points of ships left, without any reinforcements. Luckily, the feint seemed to work! The last 9 turns have been quiet... very quiet. I've turtled, and focused on quickly moving to the next weaponry tech levels & filling in all the systems I can to prevent pirates (not that they're anything but an annoyance now, but I simply can't spare the fleets when war starts).

Hmm, this is feeling good. Ever since I got that fleet cap upgrade (up to 11!) it feels like the Cravers have backed off. Empire is looking tidy & I'm liking the research / system upgrade time.

Turn 85 - global +25% research boost! Awesome for the boffins!

Turn 89... all quiet

Turn 90... WAR! He's sent a quick ninja attack to take a system... looks like it's battleship time...
SOPHONS - 8 Crav Imp Ins Pirate Turn 75.zip
SOPHONS - 8 Crav Imp Ins Pir Turn 90.zip
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 5:59:54 PM
Turn 120[/b]

War is hell... but very profitable.

The battleship rush came just at the right time, and a four way fight in the centre degenerated into a slug fest. My earlier feint actually worked, allowing west green to take a lot of the centre's systems, and pulled a lot of troops off my front line. Go me! I've taken five of the (or was) largest Craven worlds, but I'm trapped in the middle... Green to the West has upgraded her missiles & switched to pure shields. Not good for my build. Orange to the right was even friendly as I took down the centre, but I don't trust him.

Oh, and after all those fights? Centre blue just pulled 23/23 armies out of the wazoo. Four of them.

My soldiers are tired and out-teched, and I need time to renovate my fleet. Not sure that's possible though with centre's "new found" troops.

And after all of this?

I've not even met either of the two strongest factions. Stronger than my current enemies by 4,000 to 6,000 points.

SOPHONS - 8 Crav Imp Ins Pir Turn 120.zip
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 6:41:46 PM
I can't even imagine playing that. I mean, I may give it a go when things are a bit less balanced in the AI's favour but, it does seem impossible lol

If you win, well hats off anyway for taking this up!
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 6:01:13 PM
Turn 150[/b]

Sadly, didn't get there ~ the game bugged out @ turn 146 and has a constant + unavoidable heap crash upon loading.

But, let's recap. My frontiers @ turn 120ish ~ Central Blue and right orange have masses of forces...

So, the next 24 turns are spent:

a) waging incessant war in the centre ~ the best way to progress is capture a front, retreat, allow the AI to take it [orsnipeofftheattackersifpossible] then retake it quickly in a single turn

b) never park your forces on the front line ~ the AI will simply turn up with a 40/23 fleet and chew you up

c) go suicide girl: faced with those odds, I had to switch to suicide destroyers & my secret weapon... a hero designed to storm into Mordor. Freeman is alive! You can see clearly the effect he had on the Orange team, although the losses were horrific. (Note: the screens of Dorado are ~ 25 turns apart. Every turn a combat!) So close to taking El Dorado, city of gold :/

d) I was 2 turns away from 12 systems building the living city upgrade, which would have allowed more destroyer spam; fairly sure when that kicks in, Orange would have fallen

e) if the game hadn't have bugged, I'd have chipped away at orange (right side) then gone for the tech wonder ~ I was only 4 techs away from researching the last part @ turn 146. AI cheats too badly on ships to get a conquest victory here smiley: wink [124/23!]

Game abandoned due to corruption - I'll try and grab a save from 142 ish, but meh smiley: frown

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