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where are my 500 points :(

Copied to clipboard!
13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:42:17 PM
Two questions

1. where are my points that i want to add to my account

2 and where do i even put in the code for the points to be put into my account

i bought the admiral edition on steam and i'd like to know please.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:49:07 PM
Yes and where pray tell is my steam code? It's not in my email and i havn't got any pop up for it.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:55:27 PM
The registration is done on our web site, not on Steam.

Here is an explanation from our forums:

1. Click on Amplitude logo at the top of the forum screen, next to log in (or click on your account name.)

2. You will be greeted with the G2G account balance and the option to redeem your G2G code. (Note to devs: Change the info there to mean Game CD Code input.)

3. Go to the Steam library and right click on the game. Go to CD keys. Click copy to clipboard, then go back to the G2G code input and paste the code in with ctrl v and submit.

Hope that helps.
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