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Spying / Subterfuge / Misinformation

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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 2:28:58 AM
I have a question for those more experienced in the 4X genre than myself.

Has a game ever had a diplomacy/intelligence tree where research would result in one's ability to seed misinformation or incorrect intelligence to opposing players?

For example the enemy would perceive inaccurate or inflated fleet sizes around a system...and perhaps would decide to avoid an encounter?

Just a random thought...loving the alpha so far!
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:31:19 AM
I keep meaning to give Ruse a try...

I think the devs might have something in the works along these lines, though. The Adventurer class of hero is described in a way that suggests espionage and subterfuge of some kind. The system probably just didn't make it into the alpha, which is completely understandable, really.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:56:22 AM
@OP, not really. The short answer is that while such tactics work against humans, it's actually really really hard to make it work against AI. That is, making AI smart enough to act well while still working on partial information while still also not hogging resources/taking a very long time is quite challenging.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:43:20 AM
Sword of the Stars with all the expansion packs has been the best information focussed 4x game in my opinion. Mis-information in the game was easily done with wild-weasel ships, that could appear to be much greater sized fleets than they actually were. But no game has ever really incorporated this into diplomacy as far as I know. In multi-human games it was easy to sow misinformation through chat and dialogue, especially with friends, but AI always seems omniscient.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 8:14:32 AM
Maybe you could see some percentage (probability) in which you are (un)sure about fleet size on galactic map (increase / decrease with some technology or propaganda throught diplomacy etc.). And when you will encounter enemy fleet you will be informed about real status...
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