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Alpha 2 - Tech Pace

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 3:37:18 PM
Playing on normal speed so far - does anyone think the tech pace is a bit too fast? Has anyone played a Slow speed game to get a feel for it?

Feels like I can map out the entire tech tree for most races before turn 180 or so. On a medium size map, this is usually around when I have half the galaxy conquered using a "semi-hostile" approach (conquer one faction, leave the rest chilling, rinse/repeat).

Probably just a tuning problem?
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:08:10 PM
Rascyc wrote:
Playing on normal speed so far - does anyone think the tech pace is a bit too fast? Has anyone played a Slow speed game to get a feel for it?

Feels like I can map out the entire tech tree for most races before turn 180 or so. On a medium size map, this is usually around when I have half the galaxy conquered using a "semi-hostile" approach (conquer one faction, leave the rest chilling, rinse/repeat).

Probably just a tuning problem?

I fully agree with you, the tech pace (and the overall game in fact) is really fast. I play only on slow, it is a little bit better, but still to fast for me. Alpha is alpha, there is tuning to do, or maybe slower option to add. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:18:37 PM
I played a Huge size galaxy with 8 players last night on slow. As the Sophons, I had about the entire tech tree researched by turn 230ish. That being said, I had expanded throughout at least 50% of the galaxy to accomplish that. It's hard to pick out the actual tech rate vs the "steamrolling" effect I had going (Civ 5 had a similar issue when the player got too far ahead) but I do think the research could be slowed just a little bit. If anything, just add another slower mode (ie 'marathon') to the game speed.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:36:16 PM
Considering a slow game in Civ is 750 turns ( 250 quick, 500 normal) with marathon speed at 1500 turns, relatively speaking, ES is incredibly quick even on slow. Playing as the sophon on slow, I've found I've generally hit mid-game research by turn 70. Given a slower researching race, that'd be 150 which is still pretty zippy.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:50:00 PM
As a counter to the above post, Keep in mind that the Sophons are supposed to cruise through the tech trees. As the HISSO on Normal speed I am turn 85 and i am on 2nd tier techs. I am rofl-stomping my way via aggression but if I was going for a tech victory i would be hosed. I think the tech speed is just about fine.
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