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Research Tree, Diplomacy, Academy???

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 2:56:24 PM
I have played this game on a Single Player for a few days and have found this game to be badly designed! Sorry Developers, but I have had and still have more enjoyment playing the Space Empires 5 than this game! Here are just the early problems I have encountered:

The Research is so bad that most of the time I have no idea what am I researching! (There are few which actually tell you what you are getting at the end BUT most are so wrapped in mumbo-jumbo language that still leave you wandering...wtf?) I want to know what each and every option for research will give me before I choose it!

Diplomacy is so bad that I have played several games in which I had no input to the diplomatic relations and all I could do is to accept or reject offers! Come on developers! Give me an option to make first offers, in ``money`` or offering the peace!

When I try to hire 4th hero, it tells me something about Academy does not support it!!! What the hell??? What Academy??? Couldn`t you at least put a link to explain it to me further?

I was playing the game at normal and the opponent empire was only few stars away from mine, in a medium size galaxy of only 2 players!? In SE5 the AI puts the opposing empires far away from each other as possible!!!

In my games the opposing empire is always ahead because the AI does not need to figure out what each research means so it gets an advantage!

I also find it a big mistake not to give an option for a ships engaged in a fight or even before the fight starts, to allow an option: FLEE! A scout will always be faster than a fighter ship and this option is a logical option!

I know this game is in development and there will be bugs, BUT this is NOT about bugs BUT about a bad design!

I have paid for this game a top premium price, and have been regretting it! I really expected a better game-play design!

I know there will be Fanatics who will defend this game and attack me for criticising it, but to Developers I say this:

Do you really want to hear only from those who are charmed by anything that is new and are obsessed with it that they cannot see the games faults? If you only want to listen to your `groupies` so be it! I may be part of few who dare tell you as it is and may be hated by many, but I cannot hide my disappointment with this game!
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 3:14:26 PM
To the techs. you just have to zoom in smiley: biggrin

The galxysize is reduced in the alpha. It will be doubled in the finished game.

The fleeoption will also be available in the finished game. Before you "criticize" the devs you will have to read the news ans all. -.-

I´m no fanatic if i defend an indiestudio that gives us acces to an alphaversion. Im very excited playing the game and i have to thank the devs for a game that is great even in the heavily limited alphaversion.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 3:25:26 PM
About the technologies, yes, you just have to zoom in. When you put your mouse on the detail of the researches, you will have more details=>in fact the in game modifications, improvements.

About Flee, it's voting now to be implented in the beta soon. You just have to vote if you want it so much. personnally, I chose it too and will wait it comes.

The galaxy is random generated but ... instead of complaining, you could make it a suggestion.

"I would like an option to tick in, to be sure my opponent will be the furthest as possible. "Please".

No need to complain. Other players are present and will nicely help you if you ask questions. smiley: smile

Voila smiley: smile

(Peace and Cooolsmiley: biggrin)

Ah, I forgot the academy and the diplomaty. When you will finally see everything in the techtree with our advise to zoom in, you will read in the left techtree some researches talking about diplomaty and academy size.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 6:35:16 PM
Gamer21c wrote:
The Research is so bad that most of the time I have no idea what am I researching! (There are few which actually tell you what you are getting at the end BUT most are so wrapped in mumbo-jumbo language that still leave you wandering...wtf?) I want to know what each and every option for research will give me before I choose it!
+1, a lot of the research tree names and descriptions are misleading at best and erroneous at worst. It's a neat idea to have a tech or two that surprisingly leads to unplanned discoveries, but the extensive disassociation is some sort of brain mapping confusion.

I also find it a big mistake not to give an option for a ships engaged in a fight or even before the fight starts, to allow an option: FLEE! A scout will always be faster than a fighter ship and this option is a logical option!
Yes, I also feel a faster and weaker ship should not be forced into combat.

I have paid for this game a top premium price, and have been regretting it! I really expected a better game-play design!
WRONG. You signed on for an alpha, and agreed to experiment as a playtester with a game that is currently in early development.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:37:21 PM
Really don't want to be rude here, but if you really would have played a few days with the game like you said, than you would've realised that most of what you wrote down here is already in the game (you know, there's a training part for a reason).

Further more, seeing "Alpha" written in Steam should've been enough of a warning for you: lots of things still under development, still fine tuning the game.

Reading a bit in the forums could've prevented you from demanding a retreat option for example, as it's work-in-progress (among other things).

Aye, the game could be confusing for the first time, but after a few plays, you ought to get the hang of it smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 1:10:04 AM
Gamer21c wrote:
I know there will be Fanatics who will defend this game and attack me for criticising it, but to Developers I say this:

Do you really want to hear only from those who are charmed by anything that is new and are obsessed with it that they cannot see the games faults? If you only want to listen to your `groupies` so be it! I may be part of few who dare tell you as it is and may be hated by many, but I cannot hide my disappointment with this game!

I heavily doubt anyone here thinks the game has no faults. This is an alpha and you posted in a subforum full of suggestions and ideas for improvements, guess why. Obviously we'll defend the game because you judge an alpha like a full game which is wrong. All the other points have been sufficiently explained by the other posters here as well.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 2:21:53 AM
I do think that the Academy system could use a overhaul. Or at least a few more hero upgrades. I feel limited with only three-five heros with little indication of when I can get more. More techs! More research!
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