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Strategic Resources Don't Feel Important Enough

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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:19:46 AM
It could just be that my style of back filling during expansion has never left we without a monopoly on the first 4 strategic resources you can access but other than making sure I deny them to enemies and getting passive bonuses I don't feel like they do very much right now.

With the tech tree being as linear as it is and the math being arithmetical not exponential whenever you encounter a part that requires one its just to easy to spam research onto the next higher equivalent tech which pretty much never requires that resource and be over the issue in 3-5 turns while also being able to produce a better version of whatever you had planned on making.

I believe that more ship modules and improvements should require them and system improvements that require them should take them away from contributing to the cumulative bonus you get for having multiple ones (except monopoly because the other players still don't have them).
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:25:55 AM
I agree with them being needed by more mods and such but not to the Bonus from multable ones, i dunno becuse a single ship could have multable modules that require the same thing, and could consivably use the resources of your entire empire for a single one.

But it would be an idea that the amount needed for a monopoly would increse when another race that you have met also aquires them. Leading to some conflicts of resources and a real reason to fight some one then the generic (I want your land, and your lives).

smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:28:49 AM
I don't think that ships should take away a unit of the resource, just system wide improvements because I mean building enough of those refrigerators to accommodate a system with 6 planets in it should take up quite a bit.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:29:54 AM
Ahh now system inprovments i can get behind!

So yes i agree with that. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:50:24 AM
They feel more important, to me at least, since the latest patch seems to have made them rarer...Or maybe it's just me getting (un?)lucky with the map generation. Either way, previously it seemed like every system had at least one strategic resource. Now I'm actually having to target specific planets to get myself some delicious hyperium.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 2:15:48 AM
Important to build better ships, but that's true, it's better if they are uncommon.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 10:42:32 AM
Rare resources should just provide significant bonuses to certain modules if they are incorporated into the design. Example : Resource A provides +5% damage to all beam weapons per unit of resource controlled. This would completely replace the need to have a specific resource to mount a weapon. This would encourage more diversity in builds (you have one that gives + accuracy for kinetics so you go kinetic heavy) as well as remove the need for extraneous modules that are slightly better but need a special resource.

System improvements that actually use up a unit of available special resources is a great improvement and would make some interesting decisions - I can only make 2 of these super ion cannons and still keep 4+ for bonuses...but which systems?
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 2:18:24 PM
Have you ever played a game where you were denied one of the basic strategic resources? It kills your growth and defense options.

ie., No Titanium-70, No Hexafarium, No Hyperium, No Siderite, No Orichalcix? Well, mainly a game where attaining a combination of these resources involve invading other empires that have obtained better tech using these resources?

Yea, when you play one of these games with 5 other empires on Impossible difficulty with Insane pirates, then tell me about the lack of importance of strategic resources. smiley: ohh
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 2:23:25 PM
supersoaker9 wrote:
Have you ever played a game where you were denied one of the basic strategic resources? It kills your growth and defense options.

ie., No Titanium-70, No Hexafarium, No Hyperium, No Siderite, No Orichalcix? Well, mainly a game where attaining a combination of these resources involve invading other empires that have obtained better tech using these resources?

Yea, when you play one of these games with 5 other empires on Impossible difficulty with Insane pirates, then tell me about the lack of importance of strategic resources. smiley: ohh

I'm with this guy. I get what you're saying OP, but I've had a few games where I've had virtually no resources anywhere near me when they've been discovered. I think it should just be left as is. Besides isn't there an option that allows you to turn down the amount of galactical resources already?
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