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my thoughts and such

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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 2:26:21 AM
hey all and how we all going this wonderful australian morning. hope everyone is having a great day.

so a little about me, i love my 4X games, i basicly go around head hunting them for somthi9ng that makes me go yippy. at 29 this year i had the pleasure of sampeling basicly the cream of the PC gaming 4x genre. GalCiv2(not bad) Igal2(loved) sins of a solar space turd(yeah i really didnt like that game) Sots 1( nice game by ANY) i managed to dodge the Sots 2 fiasco after waiting many moons for it due to accute fiscal issues, turns out not buying at the start was a lucky break XD. Pax emperia 2 was a decenct 4X from blizzard many years ago and the list goes on.

so lets talk ES, i saw a trailor for it and basicly just went and baught it, i l;ike to support Alpha games and the like and i was veryu impressed with the polished state of the game as it stands, every now and then i will see somthing and go ah very nice touch guys. like right click to exit current screen, heat waves from ship engines in combat and the well done smokey effects for Wormholes.

so needless to say im very impressed with the game so far.

now so far as i have played there are the useal suspects that bring down the game but they are mostly just alpha work throughs and will be copmpleted, developed in time so im not going to go into any of that. there is one major issue i have with the game though.

instant godtouch refitting. i dont think i can really state enough how much of a negitive mechanic i find this. now im sure others will have a different opinion and please feel free to jump on me here but heres what i feel.

instant refitting really breaks the game. we are ruling a universe, we need to plan ahead in technology, in hull choices and in fittings. being able to instantly change our ships after the first engagment to whatever is hitting the enemys weakspots is....bad :P

i mean we take years to repair any damaged ship but the click of a button and the mad people go and strip our ships down to is keel and rebuild its into somehting completly different just for some dust.

our military is a deterrence. not somthing we build when we know what we are fighting agaist. it takes away a huge part of the stratigic planning in having our fleets ready for war to protect us people can just not build fleets or build tokan fleets for pirate hunting until somone starts getting mad so there is no major military spending up until war which takes away from the economic aspect of the game because having your fleet needs to be somthing we have to plan for.

no im not at war but how much of my income NEEDS to be spent on building and maintaing my defence force so im not seen as weak and powerless.

imho ships need to take more to build and take longer and the instant refit needs to go so we bring in long term military stratigic -planning. make ships mean somthing other then just disposible crap we build only when we are finaly at war.

ah well thats me for now and have a good day mates

*edit* its like playing rock paper scissors and seeing the other player go scissors and you changing to a rock from paper...
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 2:51:07 AM
KaidenOZ wrote:
instant godtouch refitting. i dont think i can really state enough how much of a negitive mechanic i find this. now im sure others will have a different opinion and please feel free to jump on me here but heres what i feel.

instant refitting really breaks the game. we are ruling a universe, we need to plan ahead in technology, in hull choices and in fittings. being able to instantly change our ships after the first engagment to whatever is hitting the enemys weakspots is....bad :P


i mean we take years to repair any damaged ship but the click of a button and the mad people go and strip our ships down to is keel and rebuild its into somehting completly different just for some dust.


Please do stop by the suggestions thread listed in my sig below, and read the other various suggestion threads in the games2gether sub-forum.
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