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Influence and Out/Colony

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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 5:56:13 AM
So first, what exactly does influence do? Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it's the colored rings that spread out from your planets. I first thought of this as kind of like territory and attrition from Rise of Nations where where if you're empires might grows enough, it's territory can essentially spread and annex other towns and such. As far as i can tell though, in ES when your empires influence engulfs another factions planet, nothing beneficially really happens for you. I'd like to see some direct bonuses to having your influence spread and engulf other planets.

Secondly, I notice that when I colonize a system, it's considered an 'Outpost' for so many turns. Then after that it is now a 'Colony'. Is this simply flavor? Are there any mechanical attributes to these two states? Also, i'd like to see the colonies become something more. Some of these 'colonies' have bigger populations then my home system or has become my military HQ with high production and defense and have been under my control for hundreds of years. I'd like to see them become more then a colony, especially if there's mechanical stats attributed to em. Add another aspect of strategic empire building, choosing which systems you really bring into the fold.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:50:11 AM
As far as i understood it is an outpost for 20 turns and afterwards it is crating influence. The influence zone is first of all pretty nice to watch and second it marks the border of your empire. Other nations may only cross this border in war or if you give them the previlege to enter. So there is game mechanic behinde it.

Correct me if i am worng.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 9:48:24 AM
I think it's 30 turns now but I think you're right.

It seems you can cross the boundary once if you haven't explored the system yet.

This usually results in the loss of my explorer though before I can get it back into neutral space.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 12:07:18 PM
The difference between colony and outpost is explained extensively in post #8 in this thread. More on Influence in the FAQ. Thread closed/
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