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Horatio's racial ability.

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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 12:51:42 PM
I have mostly played Sophons and Horatio. I tried Craver a 5-6 times and got spread too thin each time. I thought I would own the entire galaxy but about mid game I suddely couldn't produce ships fast enough to expand and I was losing the tech war badly, my once dominate fleet was lossing badly to smaller fleets. I couldn't keep the population full or happy. My planmets were depleted. I think I was just just screwwed by the planets available. I tried UE 3 times. First time because it was default. I was slaughtered each time. Horatio was the first time I actually lasted 300 turns but I was nearly wiped out at that point. Sophons are the only ones I can consistently get to 300 turns. Maybe one day I will actually win...
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 11:57:14 AM
Someone have a link the the races unique techs? I played United Empires and then the Sophons and some of their unique techs didn't seem any different then the name. For example, the UE's consumer tech thing in the diplomacy and economy tree seemed to give the exact same techs as the generic one in the Sophons tree. Only difference was the name and coloring. Bug or am I missing something?
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 11:49:39 AM
Sophons are good, but not for their racial.

50% cost support modules just isn't good enough, and they don't have any racial tech of tremendous note.

UC is good, but not for its racial. I haven't played after the last Tax rebalance, but I doubt it fixed the fundamental issues. This means that their improved production ability is better served through keeping systems happy.

Craver ability is just good.

The warrior ability is just good.

Remember, what should be compared are the special power the races get. The rest of them are racial stats not racial abilities.
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 4:26:19 AM
finished now my game, had 9 heroes lvl 20 cloned all from the same Hero with Corporate and Industrialist trait. With them i could have a massive Fid% of 50%+ on my key systems. Also i could conquer a system put some of them in charge and see it growth instantly in population and infrastructure.

Also in the initial phase when you can have only 3-5 heroes it's pretty hand to already have lvl 15 heroes that can switch from colony to colony depending what needs you have.

About admirals i find that in the end the ability to massproduce outweighs the one in battle. Being able to produce 1-2 dreadnoughts per turn or 3-8 destroyers per turn is simply worth the effort.
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 4:23:12 AM
Going to try the Horatio next, the clone ability sounds awesome then I think I will try the Sophons.
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 4:15:07 AM
I heard of the hero cloning -thing on another forum. Still, I haven't tried Horatio yet.
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 12:28:08 AM
I don't think the Sophons are lacking personally. I've played them three times and two times I've lasted to turn 200 (the first game was deleted during an update or something.. but I was winning, I had about 20 perfect battles and my enemies were unable to attack me, save for my ally) and my second time, I'm struggling a little (as one craver is RELENTLESSLY attacking every system I own with small ships and the occasional 10k power that destroys half of my fleet) and the Horatio was giving me a little trouble. The game I lost, I was crushed by an AI who attacked EVERYONE and had an insane amount of ships by turn 40, I literally could not out produce or out tech his military for some reason, it won the game by a large margin over every AI.

I feel that Sophons lack in the early game as it's hard to defend with smaller ships, but once you get one of the top 3 ship models and decent beam/missile weapons and start focusing on the weights of those ships (I tend to try to aim for scientific victory, which takes forever to get to, and I have not yet), they can become very powerful. The biggest problem is producing ships, you need a high amount of labor to effectively produce powerful dreadnoughts and destroyers and that makes the Sophons end-game difficult. It seems to me to be either focusing on labor/military or more diplomatic/tech. It's hard to have a strong military to defend yourself and still be able to focus on the tech/scientific aspect.

I look forward to trying the Horatio however, their expansionism is also a style I like.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:04:28 AM
I was just curious as to what the opinion of the Horatio's Hero Cloning ability was for most players and just how many knew about it since it isn't so well advertised.

I absolutely love it and it makes the Horatio my second favorite race (after the cravers). It allows an extreme advantage early game and late game allows for an enormous army of super leveled admirals. Along with their ability to make huge settlements fast which gives them a good FIDS advantage I think it makes them possibly as powerful as the cravers.
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 12:09:17 AM
Pretty much gigantic ability. If heroes do not change that might be the best ability ever.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 4:04:42 PM
I think the cloning ability is pretty cool. Cloned my "keeping people happy" hero to stabilize my systems when needed, and when he's not needed I can just dismiss him and bring him back whenever so long as I have the money (which isn't much of a problem). Its nice to only have to develop 2 good heroes that I can respawn any time I want for fleet actions or for homeguard purposes.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 12:18:17 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
That is only due to the techs increasing ship weight maxima that are not working yet. If those worked, the tech advantage of the sophons would lead to more than competitive high tech dreadnaughts.

I see, thank you for that.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 12:05:01 PM
ArrowLance wrote:
I don't really think it is more overpowerd than the cravers or the United Empires enormous 45% dust boost. The only empire I feel is lagging behind is the sophons, but maybe I just don't know how to play them.

That is only due to the techs increasing ship weight maxima that are not working yet. If those worked, the tech advantage of the sophons would lead to more than competitive high tech dreadnaughts.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:55:57 AM
lravenwing wrote:
It is a great ability but hugely overpowered at the moment. Mostly doe to the fact that heroes themselves are a bit too powerful.

Maybe adding a small drawback might balance things out a bit, like imperfect cloning adding one negative modifier to the hero.

I don't really think it is more overpowerd than the cravers or the United Empires enormous 45% dust boost. The only empire I feel is lagging behind is the sophons, but maybe I just don't know how to play them.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 11:53:15 AM
It is a great ability but hugely overpowered at the moment. Mostly doe to the fact that heroes themselves are a bit too powerful.

Maybe adding a small drawback might balance things out a bit, like imperfect cloning adding one negative modifier to the hero.
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