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logo amplifiers simplified

Much needed suggestion (mouse over)

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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 10:28:47 PM
There is a tool tip for almost everything in the game which I love btw. So I know that this suggestion would be child's play to implement. The window that shows approval should mouse over not really into a tool tip but into a graph showing the Fids needs of each star system. That way you can maximize population growth asap. Ive played games were my expansion robbed the star system of needed food and I had no idea until I was in the negative and losing approval on a mass scale. I dont mean like -2% to population theres a window for that. Otherwise its easier to just spam food which takes away from some of the other great options in the game.
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 10:32:36 PM
Lmao never mind, I was mousing over the wrong part, You really have thought of almost everything =)
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