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Weapon Ranges

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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 11:57:59 PM
Ok so I designed a Missile Corvette that can 1-shot a basic Pirate. And it could take out two pirates in a battle, killing one at long range and the other at medium range.

But then I got attacked by a fleet of three pirates, and one pirate survived. I was doing manual combat, and noticed that I didn't see a missile launch at melee range.

I ran into this scenario later, and watched again. This second occurance I had augmented my police boat to include Kinetics. It defeated all three pirates, but again I didn't see any missile launch.

So I'm wondering, do missiles only launch at long and medium range?
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 2:59:13 AM
Well, missiles should be able to be used at extreme ranges. Beyond what even guns can, beam or kinetic. Making for a 4th opening phase for missile duels as you close range. If you wanted to add more 'realism' to the mix. Since there is no real advantage to them I almost never outfit missiles. Just pack in a beam broadside that will take most fleets out in the first or second volley before the AI can even launch their missiles. Tho I do pack in some anti-missile capability to deal with launches, if they manage to happen. Which has been rare. Late launch glitches aside. I'd guesstimate the AI gets their missiles off less then %20 of the time, and I think I am being generous to the AI in that.
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