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[Ship Design] The Police Boat

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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 12:35:44 AM
The purpose of this type of ship is to single-handedly defeat a pair of PirateRaider1 class corvettes. Those Pirate corvettes are armed with Kinetics-64, have no defenses, and 255 hit points each.

Craver Police

Research: Advanced Machining, Alternative Armors, Specialized Isotopes. Cost: 470 RP.

For the hull, Cravers have the advantage of 130 ton hulls at the start. Either of the two combat hulls (Raider or Marauder) will do, but it's worth noting that corvettes are faster, getting a +1 to movement. If Titanium-70 is available, the Marauder hull can squeeze in Reactive Hull armor, for a 32 hit point boost.


6 x Unstable Torpedoes

6 x High Isotope Plating

1 x High Energy Coupling

1 x Smart Wrenches

1 x Reactive Hull (if Titanium-70 available)

Cost is about 125 production.


The 6 Deflectors produce 100% efficiency, resulting in no damage.

The 6 missiles with energy coupling boost and racial bonus reliably one-shot this class of Pirate corvette with an efficiency in the 90% range.
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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:13:31 PM
United Empire Police (Titanium-70 required)

This early version of an anti-pirate can be deployed around turn 15-20, provided the resources are available. The only research required is the Tier-1 Advanced Machining, for 40 RP.

100 ton Corvette hull

6 x Ion Torpedoes (Titanium-70 required)

4 x High Isotope Plating

1 x High Energy Coupling

1 x Predictive Plating

Costs 100 production


In it's first two combats, it defeated PirateRaider1 class ships with 100% missile efficiency and 100% deflector efficiency.
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:47:00 AM
Doesn't matter what faction I play. I just fill up with the best gun I have with best HP bonus, a deflector or two, sometimes shields. As soon as I have lasers, I abandon kinetics and never look back. Never waste time with missiles. Late shoot, long reloads = dead. Oh yeah. add a couple counter missile batteries to deal with the occasional enemy that manages to fire missiles. Tho this happens less and less if I don't rely on kinetics. Missiles are only a problem early game, when have to use kinetics. My designs rely on my beam weapons taking out the enemy in 1 or 2 volleys, eliminating missile launch. Tho I include CM for the times missiles do get thrown. My designs are NOT meant to take on a missile saturation philosophy.

I do find how fast pirates can get ships crazy, and how fast they get new tech and CP. They have no planets to build or labs to research with. Where does it all come from? Can see it once they manage to capture someone's planet, but before??
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:59:46 AM
I have found pirates get ridiculous mid-late game in one of my games they wiped out the Sophon for me.
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