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DOOMSDAY device, have i missed this idea in forums?

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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 3:38:02 PM
By the end of a typical 4x game you are a type 2 Civ. but the ablity to actually destroy a planet? Why? What would be the point?

Really it would be quicker, eaiser, safer and more logical to just scourch the surface. Leaving any important resouces for you to capture, or to at least stop the enemys harvest of them.

Ow and a ringworld would cost so much to build, it would be kinda pointless in terms of industry (No resources to havest, its a space station). Just build lots of normal space stations.
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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:06:44 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
By the end of a typical 4x game you are a type 2 Civ. but the ablity to actually destroy a planet? Why? What would be the point?

Really it would be quicker, eaiser, safer and more logical to just scourch the surface. Leaving any important resouces for you to capture, or to at least stop the enemys harvest of them.

Ow and a ringworld would cost so much to build, it would be kinda pointless in terms of industry (No resources to havest, its a space station). Just build lots of normal space stations.

ringworlds have so much space, it could be a city world or a huge shipyard. also, blowing up planets is FUN and that alone should merit its inclusion. this is a GAME after all.
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:56:37 AM
Dextron wrote:
I'm slightly disappointed to hear about the lack of doom weapons. They're kind of a staple of the space opera genre - although breaking away from clichés can be a good thing for sure.

Quote from FOmar: "I hate the idea! do you know the technlology needed to destroy a planet? and the technology needed to BUILD one!

No i think we should focus on the ablity to actually detail your empire, not to chese at the end game with a lame ass doom beam."

Technology required: I think you'd be surprised how easy it is to destroy a planet. Anyone capable of interstellar flight could probably pull a large asteroid into a collision course with a planet.

The end game cheese thing: I understand where you're coming from, but consider this. In games like this, by the very late game one player tends to have such a huge advantage that no-one else has a chance and its just a matter of time before its over. The purpose of the super weapons is just to give the winning player a way to quickly mop up, so the end game doesn't drag on too long. That's the way I've always seen it anyway.

This. Any space capable species can by default, be able to destroy a planet. A ship IS just an artificial asteroid. Strap an engine on an asteroid and aim it at a planet, boost it to relativistic speeds, watch it split the planet in half. There are craters on multiple planets and moons on our solar system that came close to turning the target into rubble. And that happened at speeds that were nowhere near relativistic. Hit a planet with Ceres at .9c, it would plow right thru it.
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 7:08:13 AM
I have no issue with planet destroying weapons if they are endgame and result in the planet being turned into asteriod like Master of Orion did.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:51:57 PM
Dextron wrote:
In games like this, by the very late game one player tends to have such a huge advantage that no-one else has a chance and its just a matter of time before its over. The purpose of the super weapons is just to give the winning player a way to quickly mop up, so the end game doesn't drag on too long. That's the way I've always seen it anyway.

True, very true. I just like to cheer for the underdog. Most people nowadays just rage-quit or other dishonorable deed to end the game. I figure there should be more chances to flip the tables.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 7:37:02 PM
You want to add a new ship class, unlocked with the last millitary research?
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 7:55:19 PM
I feel like I'm going to develop into the Forums 'go to' guy for MOO2 references, but the way MOO2 did it wouldn't be too bad..

The doomsday weapon turns the planet into an asteroid field, and you can unlock technology to terraform/build an asteroid field into a planet again.. doesn't seem too bad!
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:00:56 PM
I hate the idea! do you know the technlology needed to destroy a planet? and the technology needed to BUILD one!

No i think we should focus on the ablity to actually detail your empire, not to chese at the end game with a lame ass doom beam.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:40:15 PM
The devs have confirmed that there will definitely not be a doomsday device in the form of say a Death Star or other unique tech construct.

I've suggested terraforming weapons, but at the moment they are all just suggestions and we are unlikely to see such things in the first release of ES. That's not to say it might arrive in a later patch or expansion.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:45:16 PM
Maclardal wrote:
The devs have confirmed that there will definitely not be a doomsday device in the form of say a Death Star or other unique tech construct.

I've suggested terraforming weapons, but at the moment they are all just suggestions and we are unlikely to see such things in the first release of ES. That's not to say it might arrive in a later patch or expansion.

Offencive terraforming is somthing i am ok with, as long as you cant make planets totaly useless.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:50:20 PM
Yes I agree with that. You should simply be able to change them back, but have a turn counter on them, so say you can't turn them back for 10 turns or more. Otherwise if the system still had good industry they could simply turn the planets back in a turn or so.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:28:53 PM
How about a mid game bio weapon that attacks any alien dna on a planet, and strips it of all alien life over the course of say a dozen turns?

The downside could be that it counts as a 'crime against sentience' and drastically negatively effects your standing with all other species.

I understand the desire not to have another doom beam weapon, but I think a lot of people are going to want a superweapon that can make you feel like ming the merciless.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:33:45 PM
MaterialDefender wrote:
You should be able to nerve staple enemy systems to remove their ability to gain science.

Just nuke the entire sight from orbit, its the only way to be sure.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:37:49 PM
Iconoclysm wrote:
How about a mid game bio weapon that attacks any alien dna on a planet, and strips it of all alien life over the course of say a dozen turns?

The downside could be that it counts as a 'crime against sentience' and drastically negatively effects your standing with all other species.

I understand the desire not to have another doom beam weapon, but I think a lot of people are going to want a superweapon that can make you feel like ming the merciless.

The problem is: If you're Cravers, who cares if the weapon drastically affects your standing with other species? And also the door swings both ways, so how would you feel if your opponent, or an AI, had the tech and used it on you? How would you try to get out of it?

I don't think there should be a doomsday weapon, but definitely something that could definitely spell out the word "endgame" for anyone without the tech. Maybe something like Warhammer 40k's Juggernaut Personal Teleport Pack, where the fleet can just pop up in any system that had once been explored?

Or maybe if both Players/ AI have the tech, it should cancel out and neither one could use it. Kinda like saying both sides know how to stop the other from using the device.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:47:46 PM
I'm slightly disappointed to hear about the lack of doom weapons. They're kind of a staple of the space opera genre - although breaking away from clichés can be a good thing for sure.

Quote from FOmar: "I hate the idea! do you know the technlology needed to destroy a planet? and the technology needed to BUILD one!

No i think we should focus on the ablity to actually detail your empire, not to chese at the end game with a lame ass doom beam."

Technology required: I think you'd be surprised how easy it is to destroy a planet. Anyone capable of interstellar flight could probably pull a large asteroid into a collision course with a planet.

The end game cheese thing: I understand where you're coming from, but consider this. In games like this, by the very late game one player tends to have such a huge advantage that no-one else has a chance and its just a matter of time before its over. The purpose of the super weapons is just to give the winning player a way to quickly mop up, so the end game doesn't drag on too long. That's the way I've always seen it anyway.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 7:35:22 PM
I can't remember seeing anyone talking about the classical destroyer of world (probably as an ultimate military research in the tech tree)

But would that be useful and sexy to help you reach the militaristic victory (which conditions i ignore)?

I'm pretty sure it's not within the plans of the release, but maybe a concept to add in a future addon... i don't know.

Turning a planet into an asteroid field is fun.

On the opposite it would funny to be able to create a planet out of an asteroid field (as an ultimate terraforming technology)
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 11:06:47 PM
Kryune wrote:
Most people nowadays just rage-quit or other dishonorable deed to end the game.

WTF?! How is that even possible?! How did they just appear?! Scumbag cheating AI smiley: stickouttongue

But yeah, I like to just carry on going, crashing and burning and making sarcastic/witty comments as I go down rather than rage quit.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 11:14:59 PM
Yeah that's one of the idea, having a device to bring some balance or speed up the end of the game.

Well it would still be destructible, or else it's not interesting, no smiley: stickouttongue

I know this is an MOO2 idea, i use to love it in the game.

Chemical weapon to erase the population of the planet came across my mind too, as you'd keep improvement but crowed the system with people of your own faction (=faster approval)

As i mentioned in another post, the way the system just change of faction after a long blockade doesn't show any sort of rebelion/fight and that leaves me a bit surprise.

Probably there are some mechanics in the blockade that are not yet implemented inside the Alpha version we're playing.
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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 12:23:54 AM
Dextron wrote:
Technology required: I think you'd be surprised how easy it is to destroy a planet. Anyone capable of interstellar flight could probably pull a large asteroid into a collision course with a planet.

That doesent destroy a planet, hitting a planet with an asteroid would effectivly elimonate everting on the surface, but it is not a planet killing weapon.
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