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Research Tree - How to know which upgrades are needed

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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 7:19:29 PM

I started playing about 3 hours ago and i'm missing a better understanding of the actual effects of research. Everytime I get a new upgrade there is a possibility for "Oh neato, now the food exploitation works better" but most of the time i get things i can't really put to use. Either I'm missing a description or there isn't any and you would actually have to go for trial and error.

If it is the first: help^^"

if it is the second one it should be changed (maybe there is already a suggestion and i simply havn't found it yet)

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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 7:29:00 PM
When you zoom in on a select tech item in a tree, say Xenobotany, you will see small boxes in the box of the tech. The tech itself has fluff, but when you select the items inside you can see their lore and those things are what you get. It will explain what it does and for what. Does that help?
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