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Compare to MOO

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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 3:30:26 AM
O.K. so far I still fell the 20 years old (am I right?) original Master of Orion is the best game ever.

Anybody played it can compare this game to MOO except graphic of course.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:43:07 AM
I have played just about every 4x strategy game produced (including Moo) since my favorite genre is space-based 4x. I really like Endless Space, it is very similar to Moo, except for automated combat.

Even in Alpha it plays extremely well and is worth its price tag. There are a lot of rough edges and a few minor bugs, but overall the game is fun and the potential is there. Unlike other games (Sots2!!!!) the dev team is actually honest and working around the clock to improve the gam

I don't think you will rediscover the love you had for Moo in ES since your first "love" is special, but I must say ES is the best 4x I have played in a long while (Star Ruler is also very very good).
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:50:40 AM
yau wrote:
There is a good preview at space sector. It explains the game mechanics in depth.

Yes they are raly great. This was the reason for me to buy it.
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