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Accidental 6th Race Reveal?

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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 12:36:19 AM
actually the wording in the race reveal implies they can be militaristic since their goal is Terraforming regardless of who lives on the planet.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 1:42:25 AM
Wait if the Sowers, build and grow stuff on planets, why anyone would attack them. Hell invite them onto the plane to fix it up.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 2:15:08 AM
TitanXelon wrote:
Wait if the Sowers, build and grow stuff on planets, why anyone would attack them. Hell invite them onto the plane to fix it up.

The thing is, they prepare the planets for the return of their endless masters, which people speculate to generally mean eradication of other sentient "controlling" lifeforms. My sarcasm detector is a bit off on this post, so if sarcasm was intended I apologize.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 10:16:59 AM
Sharidann wrote:
Naa, the bloody random event with certain fanatical members of a certain Church ( I shall NOT mention a certain group on our forums....) smiley: stickouttongue

Alder, stop ROFLMAOing please!

I know what you're talking about, but these pacifiers might be a competitive church smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:00:24 AM
Since they are called "Pacifiers" I'm imagining a militaristic police like race. A "Good" military race to balance out the "Evil" Craver.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:26:44 AM
Hah, then allow me to reveal the 7th: the Amoeba.

Emla -E Saprop -AE.

The Horatio had established a beachhead outpost in a system coveted by the Amoeba. Saprop -AE. at the time an administrator of a cloning facility, led a successful defense and counter-attack to secure their position. As a result, Horatio granted her a dust augmentation for service to the siblings.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:52:21 AM
8th race is obviously Boratio, Horatio's evil twin who also just happened to stumble upon a cloning facility.

As a serious guess I would be shocked if one of the races did not turn out to be synthetics.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:59:19 AM
Yeah, I've got my hopes set on a synthetic 8th race.

And is it just me, or do the Cravers look EXACTLY like the Geth (mass effect).
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:23:08 AM
Hm. Judging from the first three posts, we are going to have race of pig-like cops that fly in giant donuts, who are often plagued by an Earthman by the name of Duke.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 8:02:37 AM
Stargem: You made my day with that post. Awesome race.

You guys might also have to think that the universe might be populated with more than the 8 Factions... Its just that factions might be so... overwhelming that the other civilisations do not stand a chance... I mean just look at some of the random events in the game and you will all have a laugh. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 8:14:36 AM
Stargem wrote:
Hm. Judging from the first three posts, we are going to have race of pig-like cops that fly in giant donuts, who are often plagued by an Earthman by the name of Duke.

Best race ever smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 10:04:50 AM
Yeah, particularly those religious fanatics....


Alderbranch wrote:
Stargem: You made my day with that post. Awesome race.

You guys might also have to think that the universe might be populated with more than the 8 Factions... Its just that factions might be so... overwhelming that the other civilisations do not stand a chance... I mean just look at some of the random events in the game and you will all have a laugh. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 10:10:08 AM
Sharidann wrote:
Yeah, particularly those religious fanatics....


haha smiley: biggrin

Actually "Sower Pacifiers" does sound like some religious militaristic dudes on a mission: "Convert or we pacify you and you ain't gonna like it..." smiley: biggrin Can't wait to learn more about them
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 10:11:41 AM
Naa, the bloody random event with certain fanatical members of a certain Church ( I shall NOT mention a certain group on our forums....) smiley: stickouttongue

Alder, stop ROFLMAOing please!

Raptor wrote:
haha smiley: biggrin

Actually "Sower Pacifiers" does sound like some religious militaristic dudes on a mission: "Convert or we pacify you and you ain't gonna like it..." smiley: biggrin Can't wait to learn more about them
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 2:47:06 AM
This is the description of a Sophen hero I recently acquired. It makes reference to "Sower Pacifiers". Who are the Sower? Accidental Reveal? smiley: biggrin

Hilera Zatonyhu

Zatonyhu's ability to build quality test and research systems was as impressive as her theoretical work. Discovering an unexpected skill in ground warfare when driving off a determined batch of Sower pacifiers, she has become a renowned governor.
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