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Battles are to fast.... no fun @ all

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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:45:19 PM
Hey Com. and Devs,

i like the fight mode at all but:

- the ships life are to low

- most fights end @ the 1. Phase

- most time the fight ends after 10 sek just 2 or 3 camera moves

Boring.... more life for ships or smaler dmg from Guns .... or the other way ... give the AI order to fitt there ships with more defence mods 30-70% Rhandom roll @ Defence mods or how your system works
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:48:32 PM
"@" ?

And yes most of the foum has come to the conclusion that the combat needs work. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:53:05 PM
Right now missiles can very well be the end all. Combat is really a rock-paper-scissors watch-it-as-it-goes scenario. There is some tactics to consider, given the different buffs combat cards give, but at the same time rock beats scissors and that could screw over your plans. I digress, however, the combat could use a bit of expansion, but it's hard to find that middle ground of too fast and too long. As it stands, the first couple of battles work very nicely (The > turn 50 battles), but, I agree, at he higher levels I usually never get to short range, it mostly ends at long. It's just an alpha though, so worry you not, it'll be fine tuned.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:56:09 PM
Equip your ships with more armore and only a few weapons. And the fights will be longer.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:59:48 PM
Virus wrote:
Equip your ships with more armore and only a few weapons. And the fights will be longer.

With the current combat system, that could be amount to suiside.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 11:18:22 PM
This guy is kind of a well, kind of a, idiot is pretty much all I can say. Just look for his name and ignore his threads, they tend to be superfluous and rather rudely writen.

Translation: DON'T FEED THE TROLL!!!!!!

Yes I see how this makes me look, but I always tell people to ignore what I say so, take it as you will.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 11:22:18 PM
Just trying to be a helpful member of the community, i only suspected him/her to not be that fluent in english and answerd what i could in a nice manner.

Afterall who knows, maby they had a bad day and it came out in their typing.

In the words of another internet community i am part of "I'm gunna love and tolerate the S*** out of you!" smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 11:25:19 PM
I'm guessing the OP never went into mid/late game, where ships get more durable and stronger, but to give him some credit I think I've managed to get into Stage 3 only 2-3 times, with stage 2 always ending the battles.
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13 years ago
May 25, 2012, 11:27:17 PM
Gargomaxthalus wrote:

Translation: DON'T FEED THE TROLL!!!!!!

Well, if this is true, then nothing is more disappointing for a troll than their attempt to cause havoc and all it ends in is a civil, constructive discussion. I see no reason to get hostile.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 2:04:46 AM
lmaoboat wrote:
Why would you use "@" instead of "at"? It's the same number of keystrokes.

Perhaps not on a mobile device?
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 3:24:25 AM
I think the major flaw, and the reason why most people voted for a retreat action, is because most battles are over in 1 attack. There are draws, but they tend to be few and far between. The battle scale needs to be more epic. You could be on the losing side of the battle, but retreat after battle and regear up. I also think they should allow you to purchase repairs when you are in one of your systems. Something like dust cost =x(damage). Being able to survive multiple battles, even if you end up the loser, would render a retreat action obsolete.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 4:22:11 AM
I do understand OP's point as far as pacing goes. It feels over in a flash to me, even on mid-level games. While I suppose this is a healthy dose of RTS (or something), I think adding at least 10-15 more seconds per stage would help me feel like I could be more strategic about my choices. I think this is a much more critical point for early games.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 4:32:32 AM
It's very easy early on to have battles end in stalemate - The AI almost always pumps ships with kinetic offence, flak defence (because that's what they get first), and I almost always pump ships with missile offence, kinetic defence right at the start (mainly to deal with pirate threat).

After you hit beam weapons, though, that's a different matter.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 6:23:09 AM
ShadowWolf wrote:
Right now missiles can very well be the end all. Combat is really a rock-paper-scissors watch-it-as-it-goes scenario. There is some tactics to consider, given the different buffs combat cards give, but at the same time rock beats scissors and that could screw over your plans. I digress, however, the combat could use a bit of expansion, but it's hard to find that middle ground of too fast and too long. As it stands, the first couple of battles work very nicely (The > turn 50 battles), but, I agree, at he higher levels I usually never get to short range, it mostly ends at long. It's just an alpha though, so worry you not, it'll be fine tuned.

Really? Right now I find to combat to be LASERs > missiles > Kinetics. Missiles can be situational at times because they can only attack 1 target per phase which will always result in some overkill, while LASERs and missiles can quickly switch targets to minimize lost damage. Additionally missiles only fire during the middle of a phse meaning ships that are killed before they can fire results and a lot of lost damage for the fleet. Kinetics are just bad because they are useless outside of close-combat. LASERs tend to be the best all-rounders in my experience. IMO if they buffed kinetics a bit (while still being different in functionality from LASER's) the weapon system would be perfect. Alternatively they could have some battle start at close range (ambush?) and move to long to make kinetics more useful.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 8:05:48 AM
damien007 wrote:
Really? Right now I find to combat to be LASERs > missiles > Kinetics. Missiles can be situational at times because they can only attack 1 target per phase which will always result in some overkill, while LASERs and missiles can quickly switch targets to minimize lost damage. Additionally missiles only fire during the middle of a phse meaning ships that are killed before they can fire results and a lot of lost damage for the fleet. Kinetics are just bad because they are useless outside of close-combat. LASERs tend to be the best all-rounders in my experience. IMO if they buffed kinetics a bit (while still being different in functionality from LASER's) the weapon system would be perfect. Alternatively they could have some battle start at close range (ambush?) and move to long to make kinetics more useful.

well, this is what I came to say, but I cant now, so, good day. Good to see this community is amazing enough to read my mind. smiley: wink
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