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Re-Ordering the Research Queue

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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 6:42:58 AM
And Canceling research. Is it really a missing feature or am I missing something?

Also Hi everyone this game is really cool.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 6:56:50 AM
When viewing the Tech Tree, hold down left-shift to queue up multiple items to be researched. If you need to cancel your current item of research, or clear the queue, simply click on something else in the Tech Tree to research it.

If you reuiqre more information about the item you wish to research, zoom all the way in with either the mouse-wheel, or the slider bar on the right.

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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 7:06:16 AM
Ah there is already a thread on this. To note I found a bug with this feature. I will explain... As this is a steam game there is a command to "Shift+Tab" to bring up the steam window (assume left shift on this). If you use this command you will make the game think the left shift key is down. When this happens you can only Queue research and can not dequeue it.

Here is how to reproduce.

System: Win 7 with the Highest settings the game can run

1. Start application

2. Start a new game or load a saved game

3. Open the research window

4. Open the steam window with "Shift+tab"

5. Close the steam window with "Shift+tab"

6. Click on research items to see that they are queueing and not just setting.


If you get the game in this state just press and release the left shift to reset the games internal key

Possible Fix:

Bind to the steam close window event (if there is one) and reset the Left Shift key state.

Possible UI enhancement:

When I got into this state at first I was not sure what was going on, but I found myself clicking ont he queued icons on the lower left in hopes they would dequeue the research items in the queue. Might be something that you could add to help UI.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 3:18:22 AM
I agree, sone form of research cancel button is required, how about a left mouse click on the item in the queue to cancel/remove it??? I found it very frustrating, I have only just started the game and accidently queued some of the higher end items...
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 3:32:00 AM
I am not sure if you read the thread. Please left click on any item in the queue, to clear out your queue and start it again. If left clicking does not do anything, please press the shift key a few times anyway. The game may be confused about whether the shift key is pressed.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 4:47:55 AM
VieuxChat wrote:
The research needs a way to cancel what you're researching.

Would be good to have, because honestly there's times where it does glitch and totally screws up your research menu and you just have to start a new game to get away from it, cause saving and loading it up after restarting the game apparently doesn't resolve it.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:37:48 PM
Doesn't anyone read? You can deselect a research by selecting another research. (which will immediately become the first one being researched, unless prerequisites are required)

If this just adds the new research to the queue, the game thinks your shift key (or keys) is being pressed. To fix this, press both the shift keys, and releasing them should fix the problem.

A common cause of this problem, is the 'shift+tab' key combination to display the steam window, which loses focus of the game while the shift key is pressed, causing the game not to detect the 'Shift-key-Release' output form the keyboard/computer. (I know that it works, not how)

Another 'problem' also caused by this, is that right-clicking to move ships only adds new way-points to their path, instead of removing their existing path and plotting a new one. (and moving along said new path immediately, if there is movement remaining. The white segment of their path is how far they can move in the current turn.)
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:49:56 PM
Also right shift does not count I have done this a few times only to realize after I have clicked on 4 or 5 other techs
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