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Ideas from playing alpha

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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:55:36 PM
Just bought the Alpha on Steam and so far i think its great. REally getting the good old feeling from Master of Orion 2, even through the battles are semiautomatic (except for cards).

But i came up with some ideas/things i think would be simple to do but would be good to have:

-Diplomatic option of "Leave my space now" - I had a ship of 'neutral' faction parked in orbit, Blockading, theonly way to get rid of it was to open fire :-/

-When attacking enemy fleets in orbit, have the option to choose which one to attack first, right now its chooses on its own which is a bit random and problem (ie i have a fleet of 4 Battleships nad a fleet of 2 destroyers, He has a fleet of 3 Battleships and 1 destroyer), of course i want it to go 4-3 and 2-1 not for instance 4-1 or 2-3, so right now its quite random/cant choose which makes heavy use of save/load

-Hero abilities: Provide some 'ability tree' so i know if i take ability A, then ability B i will be able to get ability C based on them. If abilities are only limited by stats, show everyability so that we can do some plannin on which abilities we get

But so far, given its alpha it looks awesome! smiley: biggrin

And a question:

How do i redeem the Steam prepurchase emperor editon for G2G?

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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 1:03:03 PM
I have to second the question ont the redeem. I have been on the forums about week and unless I am blind which has been known to happen I dont see this.
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