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Feedback, More Of It

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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:27:19 PM
Hello, everyone. I'm fairly new to both forum and game, so I hope you'll forgive any silly oversights I might have made. In that spirit, however, there are a few areas I think could benefit from more detailed feedback in the game, as follows:

Early in my first game, I decided to set about colonising a new system. As it happens, a coloniser belonging to another faction showed up at the same time. I thought I'd got lucky with my timing and tried to land before he could, only to be greeted with the message that there was "no suitable planet". I later discovered that the mere presence of an enemy ship was preventing colonisation. This is fair, but I would have been much happier had the game actually said as much at the time. In short: more direct feedback as to when and why actions are not possible would be appreciated.

Later in the same game, I'd beaten said enemy back to his homeworld, having (ever so slowly) invaded all his other systems. I then began the same process on said homeworld. To my surprise, nothing happened. The familiar two-colour bar did not appear, and there was no indication of any progress at all being made. I really have no way of knowing why this should be so, as very little information is presented concerning invasions. My best guess would be that the system's "invasion recovery" rate was better than my fleet's invasion power, but since I have no idea how to determine the latter and can only guess at the former based on that of my own homeworld, it's difficult to say. That is to say, it would be nice to have some feedback about how an invasion is going beyond the progress bar.

TLDR: Would like to see more feedback for impossible actions and invasions.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:34:38 PM
Well for colonization, have you ever gone camping while it's hailing? Y'know putting the tent up with all sorts of crap falling out of the sky? yeah well that's not hail those are lasers, bullets, or missiles.

As for the invasions I'm not too convinced on how well built up it is yet. But I'm sure they will try to apply some fixes and make things a little more playable... It isn't even beta yet y'know? most games look like crap this early on.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:54:06 PM
VulpesWalker wrote:
Well for colonization, have you ever gone camping while it's hailing? Y'know putting the tent up with all sorts of crap falling out of the sky? yeah well that's not hail those are lasers, bullets, or missiles.

Haha! That's a mental image to take home.

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, just that it would be nice to be told that that's what the problem is.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:10:00 AM
Yeah I do think things need explained a bit better, but that's just what I take from the basic situation of enemy ships looming over head.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:49:02 PM
Ninetailed wrote:
Haha! That's a mental image to take home.

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, just that it would be nice to be told that that's what the problem is.

I agree with you. Nice image and good idea. It's probably been mentioned tons of times, now, but the devs are currently busy doing the most important things first. I'm sure the feedback will be improved at a later stage, but I believe currently they're fully occupied with the final touches for the next two races (I mean Sowers and Amoeba smiley: stickouttongue ) to be implemented and diplomatic AI. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:52:58 PM
Yeah definitely important just like have a pop up when your system is being attacked I have only had pirates ninja one of my systems. I was busy invading an empire and didnt even notice till the pirates were invading a neighboring system.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 5:44:34 PM
Henzington wrote:
Yeah definitely important just like have a pop up when your system is being attacked I have only had pirates ninja one of my systems. I was busy invading an empire and didnt even notice till the pirates were invading a neighboring system.

I agree, I said in a similar post about a notification for attacks incoming that pirate ships need more cowbell smiley: stickouttongue
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