UE to be honest have one of the best endgame bonuses and technology like military industrial complex which gains a FIDS bonus based on how many resources there is in a system so its not uncommon to see a large colony make about 6700 dust with a high leveled hero in production and Witt. their colony and system defense is phenomenal especially when stacking defensive structures on invasion prone systems also the module that gives a 20% hp bonus to ships made in that system makes their ships extremely beefy.

the irony of it all is that sophons despite being labled peaceful should be played as a quick dominance class and their race bonuses should be used by expanding as much as they can and deny important materials to rival colonies. they perhaps may need one offensive technology that works the opposite like the cravers bonus when they destroy things.

sort of like a research leach which lowers the enemies research for every colony the sophons capture.