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[Discussion] Poor Ship Models.

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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 9:59:53 PM
stevenmc409 wrote:
I think we are evaluating the models in different ways you seem to want the ships to look cool but those of us defending it like them because they match the faction and look like something that humans would make in the future based on how we build things currently. The UE doesn't want cool ships they want big tough cheaply made ships that can haul lots of stuff just like people who buy modern blocky cars want big tough cars that can haul a lots of stuff.

Not to mention there is a reason that the family sedan doesn't look uber-impressive. The family sedan is produced along a line of sedans just like it in a factory, it is mass-produced just like the starships in ES. Other than the Horatio what galactic civilization would feel it is necessary to waste resources by making ships pretty? They are ships meant to be practical for war and defense not to be sat in orbit and awed at. If you want a practical machine of war you will get a ship that looks like a T-34 or a family sedan but if you want a pretty ship that will make the other factions seem unstylish in comparison then you will get the Ferrari of ships that will cost you ten times as much to make.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 3:34:17 PM
Man, you are straight-up complaining that a design is too well done.


the point of the UE ships is mass-produced and brutal efficiency. Imperium without all the ridiculous cathedral fluff. So yeah, a big old weapons platform is basically the idea. Also, you may notice that it looks super different from every other race. Almost as though a talented artist sat down and designed eight different styles that are easily distinguishable and reflect individual characteristics of the factions being played.

Backseat art criticism is the silliest dang thing.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 3:55:09 PM
darkcommanderq wrote:
I know most of the art is already done, and this probably wont change anything. But am I the only one who things every ship model but the Sophons looks bad?


I guess once its released and its easier to mod this problem may be fixed.

Yep, always play Sophon. Reskin all non-Sophon models to have bullseyes--holographic tactical systems should show the target's weaknesses. smiley: detection

n18991c wrote:
And yet, despite the fact that no sane person would or should go to such extra effort to make a ship look like a bird, the romulan warbird design had a lot to go for it smiley: stickouttongue

Lol, Star Trek was all about the window space, which brings up this question: why would any one want a cabin so close to the outer hull? Frankly, if I had to live in Trek-verse, I'd always wear an Ancient Personal Shield from Stargate. smiley: healthpoints smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 4:35:12 PM
supersoaker9 wrote:
Lol, Star Trek was all about the window space, which brings up this question: why would any one want a cabin so close to the outer hull? Frankly, if I had to live in Trek-verse, I'd always wear an Ancient Personal Shield from Stargate. smiley: healthpoints smiley: biggrin

That was always a peeve of mine with the Trek-verse. Only the Borg understood a good defensive ship design. Why would you flatten out a vessel made for war. It adds more surface area to be attacked and less interior defensive positions. Those poor guys are always getting shot all the way through the hull from one side to the other.

As for ES current ship designs, I like em. Don't change what has already been set in motion. As others have suggested, if you don't like the designs then make some yourself. I'm sure you could make a mod that converts the current ship models for something more to your taste.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 5:36:10 PM
Kingherod wrote:
That was always a peeve of mine with the Trek-verse. Only the Borg understood a good defensive ship design. Why would you flatten out a vessel made for war. It adds more surface area to be attacked and less interior defensive positions. Those poor guys are always getting shot all the way through the hull from one side to the other.

As for ES current ship designs, I like em. Don't change what has already been set in motion. As others have suggested, if you don't like the designs then make some yourself. I'm sure you could make a mod that converts the current ship models for something more to your taste.
Well ships in Star Trek were screwed without shields either way, so I guess structural design didn't matter very much.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 5:46:03 PM
supersoaker9 wrote:
Lol, Star Trek was all about the window space, which brings up this question: why would any one want a cabin so close to the outer hull?

So that you can see who's shooting at you... front row seats for a nasty death in cold space when the hull breaches... smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 6:00:39 PM
I think the UE could really use an exagerated dreadnought. The design should be grand and ridiculous for the dreadnaught is in essence not a replicated model that is mass produced in my opinion.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 6:22:52 PM
Kingherod wrote:
...Only the Borg understood a good defensive ship design...

Only thing to say: smiley: approval

Kingherod wrote:
...Why would you flatten out a vessel made for war. It adds more surface area to be attacked and less interior defensive positions. Those poor guys are always getting shot all the way through the hull from one side to the other.

Your answer lies in your own explanation. It is the very fact that they know they'll be shot from one side to the other that they flatten their ships, so each shot removes less volume of the ship.

RIP red shirts.

Still, I'd just build that sphere with the same surface area but maximized volume, and put a bigger reactor and better shields so enemy weapons don't hit my hull to RIP my shirts--suffocation and vaporisation are just too inhumane. There are better ways to waste red shirts, much better ways.3smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 7:59:03 PM
Sir_Destru wrote:
I think the UE could really use an exagerated dreadnought. The design should be grand and ridiculous for the dreadnaught is in essence not a replicated model that is mass produced in my opinion.

Leviathans could make an entry on the board some day - as that really big "one of a kind" capital ship that your race builds to instill fear into everyone smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 8:19:08 PM
darkcommanderq wrote:
I dont think this is the correct way to defend the current ship models. By comparing them to current uninspired cars of today you are basically agreeing with me that they are lack luster atm. We are talking about giant war ships with thousands of crew that are playing an epic role is changing the lives of millions of citizens, not the family "star sedan" for a family visit to a moon.

I think we are evaluating the models in different ways you seem to want the ships to look cool but those of us defending it like them because they match the faction and look like something that humans would make in the future based on how we build things currently. The UE doesn't want cool ships they want big tough cheaply made ships that can haul lots of stuff just like people who buy modern blocky cars want big tough cars that can haul a lots of stuff.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 9:55:15 PM
stevenmc409 wrote:
I think we are evaluating the models in different ways you seem to want the ships to look cool but those of us defending it like them because they match the faction and look like something that humans would make in the future based on how we build things currently. The UE doesn't want cool ships they want big tough cheaply made ships that can haul lots of stuff just like people who buy modern blocky cars want big tough cars that can haul a lots of stuff.

Well said, from personal, commercial, to military any vehicle not classified as recreational ends up having a blocky look. There's less space lost to pure aesthetics, less design cost, easier construction. A space ship designed in a rectangle simplifies floor design and makes it easier to secure should one deck fail.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 7:28:04 AM
You that bricks work in spacer right? besides allot of the ships in warhammer are flying cathedrals so I don’t think its much of a problem.

Really if you want to be nit-picky, ask why the UE destroyer stands out so much. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:35:08 PM
Maybe we should have separate Faction Development subforums to discuss the minutae of anything Faction related?

There are a ton of interesting pieces of discussion here in such a giant pandora's box of content.

This game seems to ride on a ticket to success involving a massive 4X Starmap structure with a massive Space Battle Feature all linked to a Design-a-Ship feature.

For the moment anyways its not quite ground breaking at all, some of it seems like a step backward. But there is still hope! smiley: wink

I do agree that some of the Faction ships definitely need to be ramped up and polished thats for sure!

I am holding onto the fact that what I'm seeing is "Alpha material" and will not reflect the finished product otherwise the Devs have been brought forward through space and time from the 1990s by the Endless Corporate Machine to provide yet another classic 4X clone to feed our 4X habit. smiley: sarcastic Which would be woefully disappointing.

The Hissho and the Sophon Ships really need some more love I think for a start, but beauty and ugly are all in the eye of the beholder so I doubt what ever they do will not spell the end of threads like these...smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 12:42:40 AM
Its getting late here, but I think I will create some posts that gather the information from other threads tomorrow (help to that, would be much appreciated). I think that would ad some nice over view, which I think is needed. As it seems many are having the same thoughts, but they are scattered across an endless space of threads (pun intended).
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 1:34:56 AM
darkcommanderq wrote:
United Empire - Obviously inspired by warhammer 40k, but the larger ships just look like bricks.

You realize of course, that a "flying brick" is actually the most efficient method of making a space ship right?

There are no aerodynamics in space.
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 10:21:07 AM
I was suprised the UE didnt have a carrier. also the UE destroyer sucks from tonage to design. I dont even build them, they have the same tonage as a corvette and look like a flying tampon with a board on top, as if to mask it. I really like the others though and the brick thing is better more space for more guns! Look at the old sailing ships expessially the ships of the line.
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 4:08:41 PM
personaly i think the ships look fine =3 ..well there maybe a few that could do with some tweaking but it wont make me loose any sleep if theyarnt =3 ..... and really compareing a new company that has had years and years to collect artists designers and such to a brand new company is just stupid =X the guys are doing very well smiley: smile and consdering ur being allowed to play at almost all the stages of compleation of their game you should be thankful =3 those other companys you mentioned would all drop dead of a heart attack if asked to do the same as these guys =3 eaither that or laugh themselves to death =3
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 5:36:33 PM
shandaril wrote:
personaly i think the ships look fine =3 ..well there maybe a few that could do with some tweaking but it wont make me loose any sleep if theyarnt =3 ..... and really compareing a new company that has had years and years to collect artists designers and such to a brand new company is just stupid =X the guys are doing very well smiley: smile and consdering ur being allowed to play at almost all the stages of compleation of their game you should be thankful =3 those other companys you mentioned would all drop dead of a heart attack if asked to do the same as these guys =3 eaither that or laugh themselves to death =3

ohh but its fun to crack the whip now and then! smiley: sarcastic

I'm pre-paid through the process, might as well enjoy the journey! You'll like it if you try, go on, give it a go... lol

I think everyone on these forums is in total agreement about the impressive distance this Alpha is in for the resources and people involved on the software side, so yes hats off to them and if I'm going to park my butt for hours on end with my mates across the net coughing up the cash for another 4X game I'm certainly out to get my money's worth!

Loyalty to the brand requires dedication and no complacency on the part of we the stakeholders and ofc those other important stakeholders...the almighty Devs.

...goes off to crack some more whip! Might come in handy against those pesky Cravers again...smiley: twisted
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 6:12:08 PM
I have nothing to complain about ships, i like most of them! smiley: smile Devs did a great job, and I've bought this game also for ship's design! They are so different, furthermore pilgrims' one look so awesome!!!!

Surely this ships models required lot of time and work, and most importantly reflects devs ideas, they aren't simple copy-paste from other movie/games ! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 7:33:57 PM
I really like the ship designs, my main complaint with them isnt design its lack of variation with diff ship classes. I would like to see same style of ship but more different in the style for each class of ship
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 2:30:32 AM
It would be nice if the models were a little more dynamic, with moving parts and turrets or indications as to where the guns on the ships actually are. : /
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 4:49:44 AM
Durandal4532 wrote:
Man, you are straight-up complaining that a design is too well done.


the point of the UE ships is mass-produced and brutal efficiency. Imperium without all the ridiculous cathedral fluff. So yeah, a big old weapons platform is basically the idea. Also, you may notice that it looks super different from every other race. Almost as though a talented artist sat down and designed eight different styles that are easily distinguishable and reflect individual characteristics of the factions being played.

Backseat art criticism is the silliest dang thing.

You are correct in the fact that my original post sounds like trolling. You should read my later one though that goes into details. The Imperium ships work because flying space cathedrals are awesome.

I fail to see how its ok to have bland ship models because your trying to go for the whole "oh well there mass produced weapons platforms". I would rather models be really campy like Space Battleship Yamato than logical models that are boring.

I would also like to point out that modern battleships ARE mass produced weapons platforms and look cool as well. I have never seen a single warship in history that I saw and said to myself "wow what a bland design".
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 5:35:38 AM
darkcommanderq wrote:
I I thought the ship designs were a bit lazy in that game too, but maybe the french just have a very different idea of space ships than us crazy Americans.

What do you mean "us?"
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 4:01:57 AM
lmaoboat wrote:
Sophon are my least favorite looking ones.

I agree, they are like giant blue space bunnies. I think a change in colour scheme from gold to something else that is matte would keep the Hissho ships from looking so over-eagly. I happen to like the 40k looking UE ships, I always thought the ships from 40k were the coolest looking human ships in any sci-fi IP. I like the cravers as they are. The Horatio ships are unique-ish and serve the extreme aesthetics of the race well. Other than a small colour scheme change on the Hissho I wouldn't change the ships so far.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:10:12 PM
Well i dunno about you, but i think the Hissho ships look like planes.

also the Cravers don't actually sit in their ships, the flying bugs are the cravers.....so their ships are really just flying surf boards!
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:15:47 PM
The Hissho ships have wings, but at the front they have an Eagle face. Im sorry but thats just silly.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:17:43 PM

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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:24:21 PM
Oh woah thank goodness you got here you're so right redesign everything bottom to top man dang gotta scrap it.

Wait no, you're just being a silly goose. The art styles for the various races are neat, easily identifiable, and cool looking.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 12:12:37 AM
I like the UE designs. The Battleship could be a bit grander but its fine.

beisdes any kind of redesign is small potatoes compared to features that actually make the game better functionally.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 2:06:58 AM
Durandal4532 wrote:
Oh woah thank goodness you got here you're so right redesign everything bottom to top man dang gotta scrap it.

Wait no, you're just being a silly goose. The art styles for the various races are neat, easily identifiable, and cool looking.

Sure they are easily identifiable. But they seem bland when you compare them to designs that come from northern studios like CCP or Bioware.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 2:23:00 AM
you know this is a company of like 10 people right?
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 2:31:32 AM
wait wait wait hold up a sec


as in eve online?

as in eve "everything's a pile of blocks like it's a star wars comic by dark horse in 1993" online?

and you think the UE and Cravers don't count?

and you think that Bioware's obviously Syd Mead inspired style for ME was original? :?

don't get me totally wrong though

I super dig syd mead and that'd be a boss look for the pilgrims to get

but I think you may not know as much about space ship art as you think :V
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:00:12 AM
I think that some touch ups would be nice but for the most part I like the current ship models and they all reflect their races well as for people who complain about the blocky UE ships I would like to point to current human designs for space ships and sea going warships. For example the Space Shuttles are basically cargo containers with wings. As for current warships they are built for war, with no flashy unnecessary additions. When I look at the UE ships I see a fusion of the two styles cargo haulers modified for war.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:09:29 AM
I think the ship models are fine the way they are now. Blocky models? Look at cars today - Nissan Cube, Scion xB, Mercedes G Class, or Kia Soul.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:06:19 PM
I know most of the art is already done, and this probably wont change anything. But am I the only one who things every ship model but the Sophons looks bad?

United Empire - Obviously inspired by warhammer 40k, but the larger ships just look like bricks. There is a nice core model there, but they are bland.

Hissho - Eagle ships? really? Once again smaller ships look fine, the larger ones make me wonder. The Turians from mass effect were also avien in nature, but even they didnt design eagle ships. (Btw I think the Turian ships from mass effect look awesome).

Cravers - I think there is some promise with the craver ships. I for one love the little bugs swarming around them. Why not go all the way and make them more organic though. Wouldnt be the first time and it could break up the metallic shadier monotony.

Horatio - They look alright. Actually I dont think these guys need to be changed either, but There strange aesthetic focused design would be reinforced if the other races looked better.

Something occurred to me while writing this. Another space game iv played a lot of is Stellar Impact which also has french developers. I thought the ship designs were a bit lazy in that game too, but maybe the french just have a very different idea of space ships than us crazy Americans.

I guess once its released and its easier to mod this problem may be fixed.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 4:53:43 AM
darkcommanderq wrote:
There is a nice core model there, but they are bland.
They're supposed to be though? That's what the aesthetic is aiming at. Bland, drab, mass produced ships.

Also, ha at eve having good ship models.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 1:18:50 PM
UE - I love the designs, but a few of the ships could use a few touch ups here and there.

Sophon - Love the concept. Smooth curves, looks peaceful to the eye.

Craver - Fits the theme perfectly. The crew swarming around the ship mending and handling the systems.

Hisho - Not really a fan of the egyptian eagle god theme. It's just TOO distinct (their culture) in the ship designs. I tend to avoid playing them for this reason, even if they are my "best" race atm.

Horatio - Mysterious and foreign ships. I love the double helix design some of the ships have. A few of the designs look a bit odd to me though - few touchups?
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:55:39 PM
Igncom1 wrote:

And yet, despite the fact that no sane person would or should go to such extra effort to make a ship look like a bird, the romulan warbird design had a lot to go for it smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 6:57:07 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
also the Cravers don't actually sit in their ships, the flying bugs are the cravers.....so their ships are really just flying surf boards!

Really?! I didnt know that. I have been wondering for ages what they were!!
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 7:12:58 PM
You could always tweek it yourself, submit your versions to them so they have a better idea of what your refering to. As for the boxiness that is a common trend in most space films, TV shows and games. Examples would be Babylon 5, Nexus, Gemini Wars, and Sins of a Solar Empire. Plus if you watch the trailers most battles involve broadsides which would explain the more flattened sides (gives you more room for guns). We hold ourselves closer to real world mechanics, than an alien races.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 9:06:11 PM
darkcommanderq wrote:
I know most of the art is already done, and this probably wont change anything. But am I the only one who things every ship model but the Sophons looks bad?

Not just you... I also find all ships but Sophons' look ridiculous and ugly.

At least of the present factions. The Pilgrim ships look awesome, what little I've seen of Amoeba seem interesting at least, and I haven't seen Sowers yet, but as a technological race, they might be quite cool!
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 9:12:12 PM
The pictures of the sowers you have seen are both them, and their ships.....becuse they are reapers of creation....so...sowers.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 3:20:08 AM
stevenmc409 wrote:
The pilgrims are my favorite ship models now Sophon mixed with UE just looks cool.
They are quite swanky.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 7:08:03 AM
craigbic wrote:
I think the ship models are fine the way they are now. Blocky models? Look at cars today - Nissan Cube, Scion xB, Mercedes G Class, or Kia Soul.

I dont think this is the correct way to defend the current ship models. By comparing them to current uninspired cars of today you are basically agreeing with me that they are lack luster atm. We are talking about giant war ships with thousands of crew that are playing an epic role is changing the lives of millions of citizens, not the family "star sedan" for a family visit to a moon.

Let me give you guys some visuals so you understand what im talking about a bit more. Cause I know I sound like a total troll right now, and thats not really what my goal is hear.

The united earth corvette is actually one of my favorite ship models in this game. why? Because it reminds of a lot of warhammer 40k.

The UE Corvette has personality to it. It has that "boat" feeling going for it, while at the same time looking like a bad ass with those gun ports on the side.

The United Earth Cruiser on the other hand frankly looks like a brick. I realize that making 3D models is a time consuming processes and I am basically shitting over some ones hard work when I say this, but it just looks like crap. Now that is not to say the whole model should be deleted because it dose have promise. Take a look at an Aircraft Carrier and then check out how in the Avengers the Air born version of that was retrofitted.

Its totally possible to take something that is bland and spice it up. In this example all they really did is add giant propellers to the sides and they did a bunch of work on the bottom for the active camo thing. (if you saw the movie).

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