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[Discussion] Does the tutorial contain enough information? (second poll)

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13 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 12:56:29 AM
When I first played the game, the tutorial went straight over my head. I then played the game, lost quickly :P then went back and read the tutorial again, and it made a lot more sense! Sometimes you just have to try the game... or is that the man in me telling me that "I don't need no damn manual!" lol smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 1:15:09 AM
The tutorial in game narrating as I played was too distracting so I read up on faqs and strategy first on the internet.
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13 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 3:17:25 AM
It would be nice if the tutorial gave a little bit more detailed information. I had to go online to figure things out, the tutorial only helps in finding where everything is.
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13 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 3:29:35 AM
TheFrozenOne wrote:
It would be nice if the tutorial gave a little bit more detailed information. I had to go online to figure things out, the tutorial only helps in finding where everything is.

I think that a Tutorial needs to be simple and quick (maybe interactive too). Detailed infos should be kept for game manual. As a matter of fact I grow bored of the tutorial after couple of minutes of message spam. But that's just me not liking tutorials smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 3:21:57 PM
Nokta wrote:
I think that a Tutorial needs to be simple and quick (maybe interactive too). Detailed infos should be kept for game manual. As a matter of fact I grow bored of the tutorial after couple of minutes of message spam. But that's just me not liking tutorials smiley: smile

That's exactly my thought too.
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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 11:33:44 AM
Tutorial is fine for what it does - get you playing. You need to read the manual after the tutorial to get more information. I am dead against being spoon-fed information on every single thing the game has to offer in the tutorial or manual. I like to find out on my own most of the time, far more fun.

Once I have seen everything the game has to offer I usually get fed up and move onto something else. If I read it all in the manual there is no point in playing the game.

Feel the same way about forums as well - I don't read many posts on forums because there are some people who just love tell you everything that is in the game just because they have played it for thirty hours non-stop, and I have only played it for three hours over three days in between dealing with real life interruptions like kids, the washing up and the wife.

I like to take game slowly, I like to learn about it myself, I very rarely ever finish a game unless its superb (Civ 1, Doom 2, Falcon 4 and Call of Duty are the only games I have ever 'finished'. And I like to be surprised when I play.
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