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[Discussion - Poll] Different Government Systems

Totally needs it!
Should be in the game.
Not sure
Don't care/don't want
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 12:19:11 AM
First of all - hello everyone smiley: wink

This is my first post, and after reading around a bit - I'm happy to see and be part of a mature community.

Now to the topic - "governement" system would make a nice bonus, but it has to be really restricted (even up to a point that some nations can't choose any).
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 3:10:07 AM
I think that the different, "canon" races like the United Empire, Sophons, Horatio, Hissho etc should have unique government sets specific to their species/empire. Once custom races are allowed, you can pick and choose from each, while having more traditional sets seen in Civilization(you know, monarchy, Republic, Democracy etc)

For example, the United Empire lore is a corporate monarchy. You can't change that, without causing issues with their established lore. However, there can be different degrees of this. You can choose the type of monarchy system, and how entrenched the corporate influence is.

The monarchy choice can range from Absolute Monarchy, which gives limited power to its corporate vassals, let alone the peons below the corporations. On the opposite end, its a Constitutional Monarchy, limiting the role of the royal family, and giving the average citizen some say in the legislative process and corporations being a part of the unelective upper house (Canada's Senate). A middle ground would be a monarchy with moderate crown authority, giving its corporate vassals a feudal like status.

Same with corporate influence. The beginning would start it as a one corporation monopoly, ala East Trading Companies, with the state and corporation being inseparable but you can open it up to oligopolies, with a significant government presence while still allowing smaller corporations do their thing, or free enterprise, with limited government influence with massive competition amongst themselves.

Just an idea.
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13 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 11:33:34 PM
Thomas.Trainor wrote:
Are you honestly implying that Corporatocracy and Oligarchy are different things? Maybe you need to take political science before coming up with this stuff. The only major difference in practice is that the children of the ruling caste in a Corporatocracy are likely to end up working for a different Corporation instead of inheriting their parents, though that still might happen. Division of wealth and priorities of the ruling caste will be almost exactly the same.

+1 smiley: approval

And Plutocracy is from Ancient Greek ploutos, meaning "wealth", and kratos, meaning "power, rule". Rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth.
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13 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 9:11:19 PM
To start I like this idea of having a government, some of this may have been said, but i usually don't go through all the comments.

Anyway here's my two cents:

Government would be something you research in the diplomacy side of the tech/research tree, you would start with a basic "unique" government that wouldn't be too great but be aligned towards your race's win conditions, so as you research new forms of government you could switch between them (perhaps taking a few turns to change governments, maybe with a negative impact during those turns to represent the chaos of switch forms of government to discourage rapid switching based on needs) and at the end of the tech tree would be the "Uber" government which again would be unique to each race and basically be a super form of the starting government type with much better bonuses and less detriments towards your win condition (science, military, expansion, diplomatic, etc.)

Another way of distributing out the government types in the research tree could be to put them in their respective tech tree. I.e. if the government type gives a bonus to military strength put it in the military tree, science in science, expansion in the colonization/exploration, etc.
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13 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 5:16:46 PM
definitely should appear in the game, although I agree with VulpesWalker that some of the names/titles will require some tweaking. Great idea though, anything to make the game more personal!
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13 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 10:48:11 AM
Sounds like an awesome idea, perhaps implemented in a similar way that the Civilization games utilize Republics, Despotisms, Communism etc.
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 2:58:39 PM
I agree that there should be some choice in what type of goverment you want to run. I'm not a 100% sure about all of the suggestions of how many and how different these governments should be. But i guess the Devs would give it their own spin, if this was to picked up by them.
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 11:04:37 AM
Thomas.Trainor wrote:
Are you honestly implying that Corporatocracy and Oligarchy are different things? Maybe you need to take political science before coming up with this stuff. The only major difference in practice is that the children of the ruling caste in a Corporatocracy are likely to end up working for a different Corporation instead of inheriting their parents, though that still might happen. Division of wealth and priorities of the ruling caste will be almost exactly the same.

Well I obviously didn't take lessons in political science. And you obviously totally missed the point I'm talking about ONE oligarchy which is ruling or SEVERAL corporations which are ruling. By no means is having the power in only one or several places the same.

And these are examples, I am well aware of the fact there are some flaws and if you had your lessons in political science feel free to write up a flawless and perfect government system for the game.

By the way, copy-pasting one post in 2 threads is totally unnecessary and useless.
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 12:26:38 AM
KNC wrote:


The empire organizes itself through the use of self-sustaining companies which effectively take over most decisions in their local teritory. The United Empire has this system, as well as the previous one.

  • Small Research Bonus
  • Strong Production Bonus


The entire power is inherited by a select family/party.

  • Medium Approval Malus
  • Small Research Malus
  • Medium Production Bonus
  • Faster Command Chains - Faster Ship Speed

Are you honestly implying that Corporatocracy and Oligarchy are different things? Maybe you need to take political science before coming up with this stuff. The only major difference in practice is that the children of the ruling caste in a Corporatocracy are likely to end up working for a different Corporation instead of inheriting their parents, though that still might happen. Division of wealth and priorities of the ruling caste will be almost exactly the same.
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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 12:20:33 AM
Mmmmm.... Going to have to go with no. Too many needless layers - and races already have defined methods of ruling and administrating from the lore.
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13 years ago
May 30, 2012, 8:55:34 PM
This is the poll to this thread: [Suggestion] Different government systems

As always with these polls...


I don't like "screaming" like that in my topics but it seems to be necessary with these polls.

Not going to put a summary here this time due to previous experience with people not reading the original thread. Read it first or don't vote please.
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13 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 8:23:56 PM
Its a great idea, but I have the feeling with the other fixes, its going to be a rather ambitious project, bearing in mind balance ect.
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13 years ago
Jun 10, 2012, 10:24:34 PM
I like the idea, as to the actual bonuses and what governments, thats another issue smiley: smile but governments as such is cool.
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13 years ago
Jun 10, 2012, 7:40:52 PM
I voted totally needs it. Also I like the idea of being able to chose no government at all, or a government system that is different from any we've had on Earth.
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13 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 8:18:23 AM
And there I go around digging out polls again. Really, why should polls be 7 days old if they are sometimes burried in 2 days... Anyway please vote and comment some more on this suggestion so that the devs have some use for this poll.
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13 years ago
May 30, 2012, 9:12:20 PM
I like the idea, a few of the names may need tweaked but the overall idea and conceptual structure is great.
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13 years ago
May 30, 2012, 9:10:24 PM
I like it, and i think it should alot more effects then was suggested.

The government type should effect everything and should be critical to the operation to your empire, making a change of types costly and very dangerous.
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