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[Discussion] Trade window allowing you to see the opponent's tech

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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:29:24 AM
Hi all,

I am concerned that in multiplayer an opponent could go into the trade window and see what research path I am using (for weapons, for example) and advance counter it.

Perhaps instead of being able to demand any tech the opponent has researched in the diplomacy screen, the options could be:

*Demand tier 2 exploration tech

*Demand tier 5 military tech

Or something.

Anyway, just wanted to start a discussion on the matter.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:35:56 AM
or technology you have witnessed them using like colonization tech and weapons, or that you have found via more devious means?
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:42:40 AM
Switch tech trading into research agreements issue solved. Make it work similar to Civilization games.

Bonus you get to add tech stealing / spying in the an expansion pack smiley: smile

PS. everybody knows you are researching beams smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:49:22 AM
I agree that something should be done to mask what tech opponents have in multi. It would be nice to be able to ask for a specific tech; if I'm your opponent facilitating the other end of the deal I'm going to give you the least valuable tech out of whatever tree level you request. Not sure what the optimal solution is.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 3:58:35 AM
Please keep in mind that you only see techs that (a) you don't have, and (b) you can research. Also (c) the enemy can equally well see what you are researching. I don't think this is overpowered. (b) means if I see you have one tech, I cannot tell whether or not you have any techs upwards in the tech tree from that.
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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 6:11:19 AM
davea wrote:
... I cannot tell whether or not you have any techs upwards in the tech tree from that.

Exactly. There is not much gained by studying the diplomacy section for techs...

HOWEVER, I believe that if a player did not wish to trade techs at all, then there should be an option for them to select (or deselect if starting that way) to 'allow' other races access to that information.
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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 12:18:19 PM
TangJET wrote:
Exactly. There is not much gained by studying the diplomacy section for techs...

HOWEVER, I believe that if a player did not wish to trade techs at all, then there should be an option for them to select (or deselect if starting that way) to 'allow' other races access to that information.

But why? Like davea said, not much information is given in the trading screen. You could have a tech tree maxed out, but if the opponents are still tiers below you, they'll only see the tech you have that is immediately next in line for their tree. At best they'll think you're slightly ahead of them, one one tree, which likely won't be much of a concern. As long as you never trade, they'll only see that you still have higher levels if they pursue that tree, and consistently examine the trading page to see what you have.

Even if there is an issue, it's such a small one that I don't think it needs a fix.
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13 years ago
Jul 4, 2012, 5:02:55 PM
I disagree. Why on earth should the enemy have access to such information in the first place? That just doesn't make sense.

Sure, it may not be much of an advantage, but for multiplayer make it a prompt, along the lines of 'x wishes to trade technologies with you, do we give him access to our databanks?'

I personally play a very economically focussed early game, with no research at all into military until I really need to, relying instead on turning my planets into production and research powerhouses so I can easily blast up the tree and field a navy of super strong ships, rather than wasting Industry on lesser ships.
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13 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 8:10:24 AM
Iviv wrote:
I disagree. Why on earth should the enemy have access to such information in the first place? That just doesn't make sense.

Sure, it may not be much of an advantage, but for multiplayer make it a prompt, along the lines of 'x wishes to trade technologies with you, do we give him access to our databanks?'

I personally play a very economically focussed early game, with no research at all into military until I really need to, relying instead on turning my planets into production and research powerhouses so I can easily blast up the tree and field a navy of super strong ships, rather than wasting Industry on lesser ships.

You don't see techs of people you are at war or cold war with. Just for people you are at peace. You could see it like that: since trading occurs, you get to know new developements through gossip. Like it happens on earth.

However: When clicking offer peace trade gets enabled and you can again see. But I have to agree with all the other posters: since you just see one tier ahead it does not provide any worthy intel.
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