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[Discussion] Scrollbar in Ship Designer UI-support mods is obscure

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13 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 10:38:36 AM
Before I start, let's steer this clear of ill-humour. It's a legitimate concern.

I stumbled across the following exchange on a different forum that I lurk:

Elizabeth wrote:

David wrote:

Charlie wrote:

Bob wrote:

Alice wrote:
One thing I am disappointed in is myself -- for taking upwards of three games to realize that I could scroll down on my support mods panel when I'm outfitting ships. Hey, whaddya know? That's where all my engine, sensor, storage, and repair techs were hiding.

That little scroll bar could be a bit more obvious, though.



..... Well gee, look at that there repair module.

Add me to the "holy ****, it scrolls down!" club.

This might suggest that this UI element is less than intuitive. I didn't have a problem myself. But it's hard to argue with so many (and there were a few more unquoted too) genuinely surprised players.

Anyone else encounter trouble with it? Are there other elements which you stumble with? I've noticed a few threads for the UI in different screens, but not many comments on the ship designer.

Edited in additions:

I went back to scrutize this UI page again. I noticed that one can actually rotate the 3d ship (!!!). But there's very little control over the rotation. It can spin at a ridiculous speed, and reverts back to the original direction very quickly. Perhaps allowing more mouse control here would improve the interface.

I also noticed that the armour total (the one attached to the 3d ship model, which measures armour support models) did not accurately relay the changes to ship HP from armouring. For example, a corvette with 600 hp base, had 644 hp after adding an additional armour model, but the armour total only registered about 24 hp added.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 7:57:51 AM
I made a comment to this effect elsewhere in THIS forum...

Suffice it to say, personally I had no trouble, probably BECAUSE I spent so much time in the tech tree first, then when I went to design my ship, I didn't see the module I had unlocked, so scrolled down. Also, the scroll bar only appears when you click on the support module section.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 11:22:37 AM
Looks like a lot of people struggle to notice the additional modules, so changing things to make it more obvious would definitely be a positive thing.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 11:40:45 AM
I had trouble with this too in the beginning. I noticed there were modules on my starting ships that were not available to me.(Seed mod for ex.) I think I discovered the scroll function on my 3rd design overhaul purely by accident as I was fiddling with my mousewheel.(I wasn't really searching.)

Also, WHAT!? for being able to rotate the ship. I'll have to try that. Since the thing looked like a static I didn't even try.

On a rotational side-note, why can't we manually rotate planets? When yesterdays patch came I wanted to check my planets in detail, but I had to wait for it's slow automated rotation to see anything.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 6:06:47 PM
I also didn't notice that I had extra support modules. I thought for the first couple of games that I could only make scouts by amending the preset scout ship template, instead of creating one from scratch.

Then I realised you could scroll down and find the long-range detection module.
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13 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 8:26:46 PM
OH Boy! LOL.....No wonder my fleets usually get pounded mid to late game. Untill I saw this post I had never noticed the scroll bar in the support section.

How Embarrassing! oO'
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13 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 12:39:30 PM
Same here.

Also, the auto-upgrade option does some weird stuff with the installed module list. Every time you click the button, it rearranges the modules in a seemingly random pattern, even if it makes no changes.
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